Power Kite Forum

Low wind buggy engine

ejmichel - 24-4-2010 at 07:10 PM

Need something for 5-10 mph in a buggy here in Illinois. Anyone have a Reactor 8.3 they want to part with? Already have a Reactor 2.7 and 4.9 so I think this would be a logical choice.

DAKITEZ - 24-4-2010 at 07:16 PM

you just missed a reactor 8.3m. But I think there is a flexi bullet 7m around and a ozone frenzy 12m. Those would fit the bill.

rocfighter - 25-4-2010 at 04:19 AM

As of yesterday the ozone 12 is back on the market. And a good price. It is in the fore sale section.

ripsessionkites - 25-4-2010 at 05:47 AM

I have some vapors in the 6m to 13m that went to nabx up for grabs.

bobalooie57 - 25-4-2010 at 06:45 AM

^^^ Fastest kites in the world!!! + you help rip get to the world championships to 'tangle' with the big boys!(IDK if I would make it around the first turn!)