Power Kite Forum

Confessions of a new kitesurfer pt. 2

borntofli - 26-4-2010 at 05:14 PM

Went to try it again today w/ my new synergy 12.... Winds 15 mph, launch went easy..... Flew it around, not enough power, need to adjust straps...

Landing kite, flew to edge of window, tip touching sand.. unhooked chicken loop let go of bar and let kite go to safety... The velcro on o #@%$#! handle didnt let go so kite was straight downwind ready to launch... I grabbed the o shi handle and flagged the kite.....

Question 1: Are you supposed to undo those velcro keepers before you fly??

Reset up kite, adjusted internal straps middle full loose and tips halfway..Hooking safety to bar notice the spring on the clip has pushed to the outside of the hook so it wont lock the clip to the bar....Hmmmmmm

Get a plyers and fix it, but am afraid to hook it to where I had it not wanting that to happen again

Tried hooking it here this time.

Launched kite again, much better power this time, but the safety is pulling on the left brake line.... Too short..... Land kite, pack up and go home frustrated !!!!!!!!!!!

What if I try this?????

I think it will be long enough here... I can put a little locktite on the shackle...... Good, Bad ????????? Suggestions.......

I am hoping my problems will help others, although I am embarrassed at my ineptitude in this..........grrrrrr

Thanks all...............

kiteNH - 26-4-2010 at 06:40 PM

Keep the velcro tabs really loose so that it will release when you let the kite go to safety.

I think you need a longer leash.

Kamikuza - 26-4-2010 at 09:18 PM

That's the OE leash - it should be hooked to the spinning leash attachment on top of the chicken loop ...
Did you see the pictures I posted in the other thread? That's how you should hook your stuff up ...

And I suggest using CarlTB's method to land the kite ... much safer. And less hassle ;)

borntofli - 27-4-2010 at 04:23 AM

I had it that way and thats why my kite went flying into the dunes......I want the leash hooked to me, not the cl.... If my cl comes off, by by kite.....

PHREERIDER - 27-4-2010 at 05:06 AM

your leash is too short.

bar end leash are ALWAYS in the way . its a twisted mess with in a loop or two.

choose a main safety, practice it and know its limitations.

crowding the loop hook is doable , but IMHO crowding creates trouble.