borntofli - 28-4-2010 at 02:18 PM
Can I use a 50 cm 07 bar on a Charger 15?? I found a really good deal on a kite only......
indigo_wolf - 28-4-2010 at 02:59 PM
Do not have a Charger, have not stolen one for a test fly, so consider all of the following kibutzing from the balcony.
The Navigator small package contains a 45-55cm bar with 20m lines and 3m extensions
The Navigator medium package contains a 45-55cm bar with 23m lines and 3m extensions
The Navigator large package contains a 55-65cm bar with 23m lines and 3m extensions
For the Charger 8, the Small package is recommended
For the Charger 10/12/15, the Medium package is recommended
For the Charger 19, the Large package is recommended.
It's probably doable, but a quick peak of the Navigator feature list lists quite a few bells and whistles on the bar. How important they are to you in the short run, and whether there is a
Navigator upgrade somewhere in your tea leaves is something you are going to have to break out the Magic 8 Ball for.
Phree/Carl/Feyd/others will probably have something more cogent to say on the matter.
P.S. Sorry for the commercial link to a non-PKF retailer, but the PL site's link to information on the Navigator bar is totally FUBAR.
ripsessionkites - 29-4-2010 at 11:55 PM
i still use my 50cm Twinskin bars .. i dont see why not
i actually still have 2 for sale. lol.
PHREERIDER - 30-4-2010 at 06:48 AM
did the bar swap mod a few weeks back check it out. 50cm will be fine .