Anyone have any good (non-toxic) ideas how to fix this bar? It had a chunk come out of it and the metal edge is/will catch and fray the centerline.
I figure a fileing and something marine worthy to smooth it out.B-Roc - 28-4-2010 at 05:24 PM
pics?arkay - 28-4-2010 at 05:27 PM
Oh i attached one, but it borked :dunno:
B-Roc - 28-4-2010 at 05:33 PM
What about a slightly smaller teflon ferrule available at any good hardware store (though the size may be tough depending upon the size of the
original hole) super glued into the current hole. Super glue is good becuase it will hold but if you need to remove it a good wack will break the
bond. Could go aluminum ferrule too but I think the teflon will be a smoother option.
Might have to redo the depower rope to a slightly more narrow diameter if you insert a ferrule.
Short of that filing is an option and I'd go with some epoxy to smooth over everything. I've used epoxy on carbon kite rods in RC planes without ill
effect. Stand the bar up if you use epoxy so gravity pulls the epoxy down into the damaged area as it dries so it dries smooth.PHREERIDER - 28-4-2010 at 06:37 PM
plastic tube connectors , in plumbing , getting the right size is the work part. to recenter a worn bar i just epoxy it right in and smooth it out.
really make the main last longer 1/2 inch splicer and cut off the half beyond the center.indigo_wolf - 28-4-2010 at 09:17 PM
If all else fails, you might consider turning the bar over to John Elkins at PowerZone Kitesports
He does some spectacular repair/mod work with hardware.
You might want to check the thread where he replaced the the hole in a Outlaw bar with a Flysurfer stainless insert. Really, really nice work.... it flirts the fine line
between repair work and artistery... but then again, I like shiny metal bits. ;-)
Samarkay - 28-4-2010 at 10:06 PM
I might try to file, fill with marine epoxy and dremel.
It also looks like if I unroll the edge I can pull the metal insert completely out... and possibly order a new one from somewhere.. probably for 40$
shipping from flexi :D
I unfortunatly can't just rip out the insert and replace with a straight tube since the bottom of the bar has a V, but I might be able to replace 1/2
of the insert or back fil with epoxy, if the quick file and patch doesn't work... and of course if I don't come to my senses and get a real repair man
to help
indigo_wolf - 28-4-2010 at 11:04 PM
Originally posted by arkay
probably for 40$ shipping from flexi :o
Yes... I spend too much time cruising weird sites.
If you unroll the damaged top portion, will it drop the lower V portion out?
Samarkay - 28-4-2010 at 11:30 PM
yeah, it looks like the entire piece will just come out. It's just resting in there since it's not loadbearing. I didn't try to pull it out but I
did give it a good wiggle. I image there's some sort of light adhesive.