Power Kite Forum

Finding your own top end wind limit ... ouch

crowdpleaser - 5-5-2010 at 09:55 AM

I just wanted to ask a question about your own progression to find you top end wind conditions.

Yesterday afternoon in Denver it was contstant 20-25 mph with gusts upwards to 35. So I decided to take my Rush 350 pro out with my landboard and give it a go. All I wanted to know was if 25 mph was way too much for me handle, or if I could control this smaller kite with my current skills.

This line of thought, IMO, is a mistake. I stood on the field for about 10 minutes getting some courage and then let it out. Immediately it races to 12 and for the next few minutes I just stood there thinking, "Holy #@%$#!, how am I going to get this thing in its bag?"

I finally get on my landboard, and take off down the field. I made it about the length of a soccer pitch, and then tried to change direction. The kite crossed the 12 threshold pretty well, but then I looked down at my board. By the time I looked back up to my kite (1-2 seconds), it was sliced into the powerzone and yanked me off my board and threw me around 15 feet forward.

I landed on my hip, painfully. Sore as all hell and cursing my stupidity, I packed up and limped back to my car. Today I feel fine.

This was my first strong wind day with any kite and I got my ass kicked.

How have any one of you powerkiters found your top end wind limit?

kteguru - 5-5-2010 at 10:27 AM

In my opinion the easiest way to get there with the least bodily damage is to hone your skills in "normal" wind conditions so that when you do get the high wind days you'll have the skills necessary to easily manage both the kite and board/buggy. Knowing instinctively where the kite is without necessarily having to watch it while riding is definately helpful when the winds are up as your attention will be on several other things as well. Once you get used to seamlessly combining kite control with board/buggy position you'll find riding in high winds are the best parts of the year. The funnest day for me this past winter was when the wind was gusting past 41mph. Of course it's important to know your personal limits as well. If you feel uneasy about going out in the conditions of the day it's probably best not to.

kteguru - 5-5-2010 at 10:32 AM

It's important to add as well that it's a good idea to ride with a partner especially in high wind conditions. If things go bad for any reason at least you'll have someone to scrape you up off the ground:smilegrin:

bobalooie57 - 5-5-2010 at 10:34 AM

I think you have to take it a little slower, after your holy crop moment, and before you got on your board, take the time to see what the kite will do in that kind of wind. How fast across the pz, to zenith, how much pull, etc. Get this experience before you start moving. Even a small kite, as fast as they are in those winds, can be kind of frightening without someplace to put that power, so use scudding, or sit down and let the kite pick you up to your feet to bleed off power as you are learning how to control the kite better. As you know, motion does change things, but if you know what to expect from a static point of view, you will be better prepared once you get moving, IMHO.

PHREERIDER - 6-5-2010 at 06:30 AM

high winds sessions

-your skills should not be on your mind , they should be reflexes.

-breathe in the nose out the mouth , the adrenaline washes out in less than 2min.

-you will be snatched! count on it!

-the most fun you can imagine , EVERYTIME

Bladerunner - 6-5-2010 at 06:39 AM

I agree . Before you push your wind limit you should be able to fly your kite around nd know where it is blind.
If you are out there trying you WILL get tossed by your kite from time to time. What I do is wear padding to reduce the self scarification .

You should size your kite NOT for the wind speed but for the TOP speed of the gusts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

acampbell - 6-5-2010 at 06:54 AM

I see the same ting happen with buggy students. when they launch the kite then move to the buggy and take 2 seconds to look at it and step over the seat, they lose control of the kite and it does not end well. I like CoreyLama's term "Kite-Chi" - learn to fly the kite overhead by feel and not by sight (my paraphrasing) - that way you can look at where you are going without needing to watch the kite all the time.

In the buggy, my upper limit is defined as the point where I start feeling a draft under my butt and I am about to leave the buggy when the kite is overhead. On a land board, getting some air is often welcome, so I guess the upper limit is about confidence in control and how aggressive your riding style is.

Jovver - 6-5-2010 at 07:04 AM

Getting overpowered when testing the limits happens to all of us. I got spanked the other week when I hot launched my flow in 25mph winds. Never again, I learned my lesson. I have to say I was kinda expecting it to happen, but I really wanted to see if I could control it. Curiosity almost killed the cat this time around. :rolleyes: You know you are pushing your limits too much when the kite still wants to pull you around when it's dumped on the safety leash. At least now I know what not to do in that situation, and that alone makes me just a little bit better.

Maven454 - 6-5-2010 at 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Jovver
Getting overpowered when testing the limits happens to all of us. I got spanked the other week when I hot launched my flow in 25mph winds. Never again, I learned my lesson. I have to say I was kinda expecting it to happen, but I really wanted to see if I could control it. Curiosity almost killed the cat this time around. :rolleyes: You know you are pushing your limits too much when the kite still wants to pull you around when it's dumped on the safety leash. At least now I know what not to do in that situation, and that alone makes me just a little bit better.

The 5m Flow?!? Yeah, bit much for that wind. I buggied with the 2m Flow in 25, though I'm sure I could have been using the 3m.

Kamikuza - 6-5-2010 at 07:21 AM

When you launch, get your feet out in front and your arse on the ground and be prepared to scud - joggling downwind after the kite is always asking for disaster.
Flying over-powered ... keep the kite at the edge of the wind window, from 12 to 9 or 3 right as far upwind as you need to control the power.
Pads :yes: you need.
On the board - learn to slide! Get your feet out in front and your arse down and push the board out. Suddenly, over-powered and gusty winds are just fun!

Packing up the kite - stake it then run around behind it, pick it up and shuffle forwards with the center section wrapped around your body like a big dress. Shuffle forwards so you can grab the bridles and then wrap the tips in and roll or fold it all up ... kind of hard to explain but it's the only way I can pack my kites in high winds without just stuffing them willy-nilly into the bag :D

Ooh and I've got a new parapack technique too - I call it the KK Two Hand Cram :D 2x faster (stuffing with both hands) but just as tangle free as one handed ;) I might have to make a vid ...

Jovver - 6-5-2010 at 07:21 AM


The 5m Flow?!? Yeah, bit much for that wind. I buggied with the 2m Flow in 25, though I'm sure I could have been using the 3m.

Yeah it was a crazy idea, but I have been able to control it no problem up to 20mph. The extra rush of a hot launch probably didn't help, and now I know to just try and squat and lean back to lower my center of gravity. Too bad things happen too quickly to think about this stuff and that kind of reaction isn't set into reflex yet.

furbowski - 6-5-2010 at 07:26 AM

your top end's not your limit.... it keeps changing.

the more you fly, the more you'll be able to recognize and manage the risks.

spend time flying your kite without looking at it. try to let your muscles do the thinking. yep it helps when the sun is high and the kite's shadow is in front of you.

i find the trouble with looking for top end is that generally the stronger the wind gets the punchier the gusts get, so i end up pushing it most when the winds are nice, and flying a size smaller when they are feeling punchy. so the more i push up the top end, the fewer opportunities i get to push it in safe winds.

small kites in big wind tho... sheesh. it's fantastic adrenaline for sure, but i feel way better and more comfy pushing the limits of my big kites than the small ones....


newtokiting - 6-5-2010 at 07:40 AM

respect the power of the wind and your kite and you'll be fine

acartier1981 - 23-6-2010 at 04:04 PM

Sorry if this sounds stupid, another new guy here, what exactly do you mean when you say hot launch?

WELDNGOD - 23-6-2010 at 04:10 PM

to launch directly downwind

indigo_wolf - 23-6-2010 at 04:17 PM

Launching directly in the center of the power zone.

Picture from Coastal Wind Sports Traction 101 Tutorial Page

Normally in higher winds you would launch to the sides of the wind window. Launching directly in the center of the window, lights the afterburners a lot quicker.


Bladerunner - 23-6-2010 at 04:47 PM

If you are concerned that you have too much kite for the wind stick to the edge. Launch it from the edge and keep it low. If that seems O.K. take slowly up the edge to about 1 or 11 . At that point decide if it feels O.K. and if not work it back down the edge to safety.

acartier1981 - 23-6-2010 at 06:58 PM

Thanks always appreciate the help