arkay - 6-5-2010 at 04:08 PM
Ok, so what's the real difference between a V1 and V2?
e.g V1-16m v2-16m
Area 16.0 10.6
Span 8.94 8.94
Cord 1.93 1.88
P.Area 11.30 11.30
AR 5.0 5.0
Spar 120 122.5
The v2 is slightly wider maintaing aspect and it has two adjustable straps? What's the feel difference?
PHREERIDER - 6-5-2010 at 06:42 PM
Vii LE internal straps about 2 inches shorter. rear strap a fraction shorter . TE is tucked about 10% on each cell .
basically Venom II is a venom I with a little squeeze. i little higher internal pressure (fewer intakes) Vi has five and VII has two.
Vii is quicker, little more power. V i may be a little more stable, but both have endless high wind range , the more the better.
hard to tell apart. VII has better snatch factor, the Vi little more gentle ..
the modded Vi cannot tell them apart, same same.