Power Kite Forum

Washington Beaches wind powered vehicles demo and PR events.

fletcht - 6-5-2010 at 04:19 PM

Check NABKRA web site for information as well as Legal issues below. Short version, 9 events to educate the public about wind powered vehicles to help change the current Washington Administrative Code that bans wind powered vehicles.
Dates and Locations listed on NAPKRA.

Bladerunner - 6-5-2010 at 04:23 PM

Good Going Fletcht .

It looks like some of us will try and get down to Westport May 22 and as many other events as we can.

Is NAPKRA membership required to ride ? I am O.K. but not many others from Van are card carrying members.

arkay - 6-5-2010 at 04:23 PM


Great work, I'll try to make it!


vwbrian - 6-5-2010 at 04:26 PM

Where can I find the dates, all I found on NAPKRA was it is in the Region 10 section.
Where is that? Can you post a direct link or the date and places on here?

arkay - 6-5-2010 at 05:14 PM

You can get to the region 10 part of the forum if you are a NAPKRA registered pilot.

vwbrian - 6-5-2010 at 05:22 PM

So is it a secret to only Napkra pilots or Is everyone invited to attend.

fletcht - 6-5-2010 at 08:38 PM

VW, Bladerunner, yes it is a NAPKRA event and only NAPKRA pilots in good standing can participate. Since these are Special Events being allowed through WA. Parks they requested that NAPKRA sponsor these events and have our liability insurance binder on file.

But, there is time to become a NAPKRA pilot in good standing. Go to napkra.org register as a new pilot and pay your dues

Not the way I would of liked it but it is what it is.

Bladerunner - 7-5-2010 at 06:34 AM

Originally posted by fletcht
VW, Bladerunner, yes it is a NAPKRA event and only NAPKRA pilots in good standing can participate. Since these are Special Events being allowed through WA. Parks they requested that NAPKRA sponsor these events and have our liability insurance binder on file.

But, there is time to become a NAPKRA pilot in good standing. Go to napkra.org register as a new pilot and pay your dues

Not the way I would of liked it but it is what it is.

You are doing all you can with all you have ! . Stuff like this is exactly why I joined NAPKRA .

I see you are working on ways to include Blokarts but If I am clear , ATB and Blades will not be covered by insurance and so will not be allowed . Is that correct ? I am most happy running beaches on the Coyotes but can buggy for a cause !!! :wee:

bigkid - 7-5-2010 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
but can buggy for a cause !!! :wee:

I buggy cause thats all I have left.
I don't expect a lot of bugging for fun, mostly making sure the PEOPLE get the right info and are happy with what they see. Hope for good weather and west winds.

fletcht - 7-5-2010 at 08:55 AM

"I see you are working on ways to include Blokarts but If I am clear , ATB and Blades will not be covered by insurance and so will not be allowed . Is that correct ? I am most happy running beaches on the Coyotes but can buggy for a cause !!! " ("Ok I don't know how to do the Quote thing")

Bladerunner, yes I'm trying to get in contact with a guy from Class Action Racing for some kind of Insurance for Blo karts. You are correct ATB and Blades are also not covered. If you know of anyway to get an insurance rider from an organization that covers those vehicles then let me know or contact them. I can send you the necessary info. Otherwise it is buggy for a cause, and I believe it will be a good cause in the long run.

fletcht - 7-5-2010 at 09:00 AM

Bigkid, I don't expect huge crowds or a lot of questions. So plan on having some fun. Plus it is always fun to share a passion with others.
Good weather and winds are a requirement.

bbrex - 7-5-2010 at 01:05 PM

Hey Evans

I can't thank you enough in putting your time and energies into this cause. This is exactly why NAPKRA exists, to help pilots, open areas in which they live to kite buggy, even as a small Association we are able to open doors that would not normally be open due to our ability to get Liability insurance. If we can hold on to what we have and grow hopefully we can include other forms of traction kiting into our insurance coverage. We had to start with what the founders were most knowledgeable with to secure our insurance. Come August we will be asking again for kite buggiers and possibly others to mail in their dues to keep our Insurance in force. Please get involved in this cause in Washington State, it will be a land marking event to get Washington beaches open to wind powered sports. It just takes time and diligence of those who care in growing our sport and passion.
Thanks again Evans for your hard work!

Brad Rex
NAPKRA Secretary/Insurance Coordinator

Bladerunner - 8-5-2010 at 07:09 AM

If folks want to attend / support this effort and are not already NAPKRA members will they be able to do the paper work ( + pay the $20 ) and become a member right there ?

Bladerunner - 8-5-2010 at 07:09 AM

Once again I see the world way differently and am left scratching my head ! :ticking:


I enjoy a good buggy or board session . Give me Blades or Skis and I'm in my glory ! I fly everything from C-quads to C-kites . ( I don't like the cold water )

When did the wind decide to devide itself up between Buggy riders Blokart , Board Etc.....

Are we not out to open these spots to ALL wind sports ?
One of the things that blew me away about NABX was the inclusivity of all land sailors !!!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Will the beaches end up open ONLY to NAPKartRA events ?
Washington is shorting themselves by seeing only what buggy riders do. No disrespect but buggies are the most limited of all the skills and seeing just them in action keeps things a bit 1 dimensional . If they don't see us going for air then they won't be seeing what a big part of this sport is ?

I am 100% behind this effort . You are doing everything you can with everything that you have got . I just hope the people who decide realize we want to ride more than just Buggies on the beach and wish that the organizations I support would consider all of us that ride the wind not just Karts ! :ticking::ticking:

fletcht - 8-5-2010 at 08:21 AM

I agree with you completely, my efforts have been for wind powered vehicles, the Parks Dept. would like to see all of us out there. But this has become strictly an issue on liability. This is because these are being done through a special activity permit. Remember the beaches are still closed to wind powered vehicles and a special permit is the only way we can get out there before the rules change. I'll continue my efforts with parks to see if there are other avenues to pursue. I sent Blo Kart folks a name of an insurance carrier that insures others in the sport.

Bladerunner - 8-5-2010 at 08:24 AM

Thanks again for the huge effort . I see what you are going for and I'm happy to park my butt in my buggy to help out ! :thumbup:

fletcht - 8-5-2010 at 01:46 PM

I've (thanks Morrie) put up links to registration for each of the beach events on NAPKRA- region 10. It is not required to preregister but it would be nice to have an idea.

originally posted by Bladerunner
If folks want to attend / support this effort and are not already NAPKRA members will they be able to do the paper work ( + pay the $20 ) and become a member right there ?

Someone else is going to have to answer this one.


vwbrian - 8-5-2010 at 06:01 PM

I would like to attend but need some dates to see if I can go. Paying Napkra dues is fine I just don't usually have cash on me when I see Jon E. Is there a paypal account you can set up to pay the Napkra dues. I was a member at one time.

bbrex - 9-5-2010 at 03:46 PM

originally posted by Bladerunner
If folks want to attend / support this effort and are not already NAPKRA members will they be able to do the paper work ( + pay the $20 ) and become a member right there ?

I would say probably not. You have time right now to get this done. We don't want to have to be doing paperwork at the beach when it is windy etc. We want to make these events look as professional as possible. Plus you will need to have your Pilot number on your buggy, one each side so you will have to come with it already on it. Also you will need to have your membership card with you. I have to make these and mail them to you. It will take up to a week to get them out and to you, so if you plan on becoming a member of NAPKRA. Follow these directions.
Send a check for $20 to
Jon Ellis
199 Reno Cutoff Road
Woodland, WA 98674

Go to NAPKRA.org
Go to PILOT REGISTRATION fill out form
Go to NAPKRA LIABILITY WAIVER FORM print it, fill it out, email it to me at bbrex@bellsouth.net
Take a picture of yourself (head Shot) and email it to me for your membership card

Go to CLASS 8 RACICING RULES scroll down t Article 3.2 Identification for number size for your buggy placards, one placard each side of buggy

Thanks for your participation.
Brad Rex

Bladerunner - 10-5-2010 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by bbrex
originally posted by Bladerunner
If folks want to attend / support this effort and are not already NAPKRA members will they be able to do the paper work ( + pay the $20 ) and become a member right there ?

I would say probably not. You have time right now to get this done.
Thanks for your participation.
Brad Rex


I hope this means Jellis and you are busy ahead of time.:yes:

I booked a cabin May 22 , 23 ! :wee:

bbrex - 11-5-2010 at 10:25 AM

I will do my best.


vwbrian - 12-5-2010 at 12:27 PM

Ok I signed back up online. Can I print out the Liability waiver and sign then scan it and email it back or do you have to have a hard copy?
Also can payment be given to Jon E at the event?

bbrex - 12-5-2010 at 02:38 PM

Hey Brian
Down Load Waiver, sign waiver, email waiver to me bbrex@bellsouth.net Email a picture (head shot) to me for your card. Mail the check to John is preferable.

vwbrian - 13-5-2010 at 08:09 AM

I should be able to make most of the Events on Sunday/Monday.

vwbrian - 14-5-2010 at 05:30 PM

Will there be a specific camping area to meet up at? Or are we all staying at Morrie's:shocked2:

fletcht - 14-5-2010 at 06:33 PM

Will there be a specific camping area to meet up at? Or are we all staying at Morrie's

Good idea, will save me a few bucks. I was planning on getting a spot at either Grayland Beach State Park or Twin harbors. I don't know where others are staying. But if I don't get my rear in gear. I will be staying on the side of the road. I have thought about the rv parks in Westport. Guess I better get thinking about this. Thanks for bringing this up.

vwbrian - 14-5-2010 at 06:49 PM

How about twin harbors state park? We will need to know how many spaces are needed and if we can get some in the same area.

Bladerunner - 14-5-2010 at 06:50 PM

We have all booked in at the Ocean Spray cabins because they are cheap with clean beds and have free WiFi.
Coolbreeze doesn't know it yet but He is booked in to the Pink Cabin :spin:

I hope they are O.K. ?????

vwbrian - 14-5-2010 at 07:27 PM


I booked my room for Sunday. they said they have 1 single and 3 with two beds left for sunday night

jellis - 14-5-2010 at 07:37 PM

We are all staying at Morries.

csa_deadon - 16-5-2010 at 10:33 PM

Can't make it this weekend. I'm looking to make it up for Long Beach demo #1,2. and 3
South Beach #2 and #3.

Any one got a line on cheap lodging in the area?

Bladerunner - 17-5-2010 at 06:38 AM

Coolbreeze asked me a good question on Sat..
When we show up next Sat. Do we have to check in with somebody or just display #'s and play safe ? CB is an early riser and if I know him will be chomping at the bit around 7 a.m. !

csa_deadon - 17-5-2010 at 10:46 PM

7 a.m.? I do believe that he considers 7 a.m. sleeping in! :lol:

csa_deadon - 17-5-2010 at 10:48 PM

May actually get a shot at making it up for Saturday after all, although it would only be for the day.

Wife is out of town all day Saturday at a district track meet.
<sneaks gear in to cab of truck>

arkay - 18-5-2010 at 12:33 AM

I plan to be there sat with the family, likley not staying for sun/mon unfortunatly... we'll see how the wife and kids take it ;) Permit does not start til the afternoon, see the napkra forum for details.

arkay - 18-5-2010 at 02:22 PM

Does anyone have a tandem kit for a hardcore that they can bring? I'd like to take the kids for a short ride depending on the wind.

sunset-Jim - 18-5-2010 at 05:50 PM

gotcha covered Bill ;-)

bbrex - 19-5-2010 at 06:01 AM

Being these are NAPKRA sanctioned events, ALL pilots of buggies need to be NAPKRA pilots in good standing. All tandem riders/passengers also need to sign and turn a Liability Waiver form into the NAPKRA Coordinator. If the tandem rider/passenger is a minor their legal guardian must sign the Waiver also and turn it in.
Wish I could be there.

Brad Rex
NAPKRA Secretary/Insurance Officer

sunset-Jim - 19-5-2010 at 07:58 AM

Appreciate the info Brad :thumbup: Since it is mandatory to have insurance, we definitely need to do what we have to, to keep it in force.

I just want to remind everybody too that yes, this is a NAPKRA sanctioned event and is only necessarily that way because of the requirements that the parks dept set forth. Mainly an organized body with liability coverage and along with the very short time period we had to put this together. Major, major kudos to Evans Fletcher for making this happen. What I'm getting to is that this is just a door, just a beginning. After this series of events and everything goes smoothly, as I expect it will, the door is open.

The goal here is to open up these areas to "all" wind powered vehicles. Since NAPKRA insurance only covers members riding buggies, those are the rules that we need to adhere to.

Let's go have some fun

fletcht - 19-5-2010 at 01:11 PM

Thanks Jim, and Bill, yes latest info has been posted on NAPKRA. I'll check with the Ranger for additional times on Sat.
With that being said, Like Jim said these are NAPKRA events, and NAPKRA insurance and dues are coming up in a couple of months. So, I encourage all to join NAPKRA. As a group of enthusiasts we need this organization to better our opportunities for places to fly. As well as being able to hold sanctioned events and races. The Parks folks have already mentioned to me the possibility, down the road, to have races. They see us as a full fledged organized group of folks with safety guidelines, insurance and would be a added plus to local area tourism. Think about it.

arkay - 20-5-2010 at 09:07 AM

Thanks Evans & Brad! I certainly very much appreciate all of your hard work to bring attention to and to driving this so far as to have ranger demo days!

My primary goals of coming to this event is to show the state that 1) kiting is safe, 2) NAPKRA pilots are organized and responsible individuals, 3) kiting is fun. Let's all make sure that we foremost demonstrate to Washington that NAPKRA is a trustworthy organization by running a safe, smooth event.

See y'all on Saturday!

arkay - 21-5-2010 at 04:35 PM

I might not be able to make it afterall. The wife just started complaining about the drive up and I've only got one car down here right now :dunno: meh.

Bladerunner - 21-5-2010 at 05:48 PM

I'm not sure if it matters to the wife but your participation would be greatly appreciated. This being the 1st event I think we need all the numbers + skilled riders we can pull together. Maybe she just needs to here it from one of us?

WE NEED YOU !! :yes:

Originally posted by arkay
I might not be able to make it afterall. The wife just started complaining about the drive up and I've only got one car down here right now :dunno: meh.

arkay - 21-5-2010 at 07:37 PM

The forecast of a cold rainy beach has her thinking that the kids will just be sitting in the car for the day. Anything in greyland to occupy small children?

Bladerunner - 22-5-2010 at 05:26 AM

Originally posted by arkay
The forecast of a cold rainy beach has her thinking that the kids will just be sitting in the car for the day. Anything in greyland to occupy small children?

Watching me try to 2 wheel in a buggy should be funny even to small children!

On My Way :wee:

arkay - 22-5-2010 at 10:16 AM

On my way ;). I think I might have sed a get out if jail free ard. And on site weather reports? It's raining in manzo

Bladerunner - 22-5-2010 at 05:52 PM

A good time was had by all! Good turn out and I think the Rangers like us :cool2:

airin - 22-5-2010 at 06:10 PM

Hey Bladerunner, you must've got down there lickedy split! :o

How long did it take you to drive?

And how was flying on the beach, what were the winds like? How many of you out there today?

And, so, were you two wheelin' in Frankenbuggy or what?!

Do fill us in, the fans back home wanna know more!

Bladerunner - 22-5-2010 at 08:50 PM

I think we were at least 10 buggies strong? Can't seem to get the 2 wheel thing going. I slide out as soon as I try? FUN THOUGH !!! Working on reverse riding and transitions seems best? Great day with great winds. We have to keep it to the 25mph speed limit while being watched and that isn't easy!
The boarder was terrible 2 1/2 hours . 7 1/2 hours to do a 5 hour trip! WORTH IT !!!!!!!!

Everybody was asking for you Airin . You'll have to come with next time !

I think we are doing a good job of looking responsible and safe.

MANY thanks the Fletcht for all his hard work ! :cool:

airin - 22-5-2010 at 10:11 PM

Thanks for the update Bladerunner. Does sound worth the price you paid in time sitting at the border (yeah, really what IS with that - can't they put on a few more staff at the start of a long weekend....d'oh!).

Glad you guys are showing 'em how much fun buggying is and how safe the sport can be. Awesome!

Bladerunner - 23-5-2010 at 08:39 PM

:wee: What a great weekend ! :wee:
Onshore again today ! Big wide beach . I'm thrilled to have had a weekend back in the buggy. I almost forgot how much fun they can be !
The weekend is already a complete success but we hope to squeeze in another 2 mile run or 2 before we get confined to Gary Point dry lake again. :dunno:
I can't thank you enough for all your effort Fletcht !

Morrie Williams - 23-5-2010 at 09:05 PM

It was a GREAT weekend of nearly onshore winds!

Thanks to Wa. State Parks for allowing us to have this event AND to Evans for doing all the leg work to make it happen.

Thanks to all The Canadians who made the long trip to join us. Thanks to all the folks from Oregon who helped us make this event a success. And last but not least to the folks from the Seattle area that joined us for a GREAT weekend at the beach.

See you all in 3 weeks at Pacific Beach, WA.


arkay - 23-5-2010 at 11:50 PM

I concur, an absolutely fantastic weekend! Ok, well saturday :) The wind was beautiful on Sat (did anyone break out a anemometer?) and the company was even better! New friends and old, I can't wait to meet up again! Huge thanks to Evans for making this all possible; someday soon I'm sure we'll all be regular visitors to the WA beaches!

fletcht - 24-5-2010 at 08:35 PM

Thanks all, Having great winds helped a whole lot. Also,I didn't get where we are all alone. Others have been very helpful with answers to my questions through this process. Also, events don't happen without participation, so thanks to all that could show up. I hope all that were part of this weekend can come back and others visit.

I stopped by the ranger's office on the way out and they are looking forward to our next visit. All went well from their end.

I talked to a couple of business owners, they are excited to see new recreation opportunities on their beaches. Anything that brings in revenue. With that being said, the next event in South beach will be crowded rooms are at a minimum. I posted a phone for a different place on NAPKRA that might have a couple of places still.

Coolbreeze - 24-5-2010 at 11:01 PM

First off ... Thank you to Evans for the effort he put into making this event possible. We had near perfect conditions and great people to share it with. Just seeing Bladerunner in a buggy all week end was almost worth the trip alone:lol: We had near westilies all week end which meant that we could run the full length of the beach most of the week end. The rangers where great and from what I saw , I think we made a good impresion. I also spoke to some of the locals and there wasn't one negative comment. I had a guy come up to me on the beach saying that he used to fly what would be Blow carts 15 to 20 years ago and he was told to stop or face charges, so he sold all his gear and never returned to the sport. maybe this will change all that. If any of you are on the fence in regards to attending any of the other evensts planned, you really need to make an effort to attend,..... it's really important to use this oppertunity that Evans has presented us wisely.

Thats it I'm off my soap box now.

Now back to our lumpy park


buggeyed - 27-5-2010 at 08:38 PM

Thanks to everyone for making it a great weekend.
A few photos to look at here http://www.flickr.com/photos/nw20/sets/72157624007165539/

ripsessionkites - 29-5-2010 at 04:16 PM

WOW, is all I can say about that first event on that beach. I just watched 10mins of Beach Version NABX runs. i really really need to quit my job or request weekends off more often. WOW.

Coolbreeze - 29-5-2010 at 05:12 PM

Here is my first attempt a movie making. :embarrased: sorry there is'nt a soundtrack. and the end got cut off. It's supposed to say " the end to a great week end"



Bladerunner - 29-5-2010 at 07:12 PM


GOT MORE :thumbup::thumbup:

vwbrian - 29-5-2010 at 09:38 PM

NIce Video Grant We want More

WIllardTheGrey - 29-5-2010 at 10:12 PM
