Power Kite Forum

2010 PL Stuff

ripsessionkites - 7-5-2010 at 01:46 AM

to avoid more U2U and emails than i can handle at the moment. this would be easier to state all the information here.

The Divine Harness (SM, MED, LG) comes without a spreader bar, but you can include it as an option with one of the three new spreader bars available. Also the issues with straps near the family jewels is gone, since they have placed the leg straps lower on the thigh and doesnt clip back up to the sides of the harness. when you get pulled up its drawing the power to your waist and thighs. by far in my opinion as the most comfortable seat harness for driving a buggy with. the neoprene is less restricting when seating.

The Base Harness (one size) comes with the basic spreader bar and its a lot like the old PL Seat harness but this ones more comfortable and less restricting.

All-Star handles is like the better version of the PL Std Handles. They where designed to be more for the freestyle drivers. With a bit of neoprene tubing around the leaders for more comfort.

Longhorn handles are for Racing with the main leaders further towards the top of the handle (harder to snag behind each other). Racers actually control the kite more near the center of the handle. This provides control over the brake line and you feel out the brake tension more, and helps in turning the kite faster.

Challenger Spreader


Bullet Spreader


Prodigy Spreader


for those that inquired about PL / Flexi Carbon Axle, Carbon Downtube and/or the PL Supsension Axle. I have spoken to PL NZ and will be getting some information back to you all asap.

heliboy50 - 7-5-2010 at 02:26 AM

Looks good, especially the spreaders- the older pulley spreader has like zero bend to it and kind of digs in. These look a bit more comfy.

Kamikuza - 7-5-2010 at 06:24 AM

What size does the Base harness go up to? Still want more pics :P :lol:

DAKITEZ - 7-5-2010 at 07:16 AM

It seemed like the protos had metal pulleys instead of the standard pulley. I could be wrong though.

u2u sent :lol:

BeamerBob - 7-5-2010 at 07:34 AM

I took some pics of the protos that didn't turn out well due to overexposure. A setting got changed while taking the camera out of the bag. The protos had a black plastic type roller. U2u and email sent to Rip to clarify:lol:

DAKITEZ - 7-5-2010 at 08:12 AM

Ripsessionkites loves getting u2u messages, but sometimes he is slow to respond and his box gets full. So if his box is full you can email him at iknowitall@gmail.com

ripsessionkites - 7-5-2010 at 10:02 AM

to answer your question about the base harness i would assume it fits wide bodies with the adjustable waist strap. it even will go over your skirt like it does for dino. i should have it here in say about 3 days, and will fit a large rider and take some pics for ya.

job position available : hot good looking girl willing to be semi naked in public next to flying kites and/or topless wearing kite harnesses siting in different buggy models.

i could write a story about the stuff coming out of PL Factory but i would be shot first. so you'll have to wait until i get the OK to post.

the SS Rollers are custom, the ones you saw at NABX on De Dutch drivers. the PL Production ones are heavy duty molded plastic. what you see in the picture is what you get. i can get SS rollers produced but youll have to wait until i bring them home from WC in September unless you like paying Shipping.

for all other questions please email : dino-i-cant-assemble-a-race-buggy@dumba$$.com

macboy - 7-5-2010 at 10:12 AM

dumba$$.com bounced back....couldn't find the server or something like that.

Help! What do I do now?

indigo_wolf - 7-5-2010 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by ripsessionkites.
for all other questions please email : dino-i-cant-assemble-a-race-buggy@dumba$$.com

Step AWAY from the Red Bull... now, please. :P


csa_deadon - 7-5-2010 at 11:02 AM

WTF that e-mail link sent me to an sleazz-bay auction for a peterfoil sport kite! :puzzled:

Bladerunner - 8-5-2010 at 07:46 AM

Originally posted by csa_deadon
WTF that e-mail link sent me to an sleazz-bay auction for a peterfoil sport kite! :puzzled:

The peterfoil is the perfect kite for the " flexfoil " buggy by Jonesband

Kamikuza - 8-5-2010 at 09:11 AM

... is that going to be as good as the Peter Flynn kite I'm looking at on the arc forum?

Superdog - 23-5-2010 at 11:48 AM

when does that stuff get released? or is it out now?

ripsessionkites - 23-5-2010 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Superdog
when does that stuff get released? or is it out now?

most items are still coming into NL ie handles, strop lines. week 22 is suppose to be the date.
I have full stock of the harness and spreader bars now. sorry for the commercial.

Superdog - 23-5-2010 at 01:47 PM

No worries, I'm pretty sure its not worth buying from you anyway as shipping would be insane :/ sorry. Do things normally come out in the US before the UK? talking about the spreader bars specifically

-mj- - 25-5-2010 at 07:30 AM

No things don't come out earlier in the US then in Europe, it all comes at the same time worldwide actually.
Distributors are key factor here, in the US we supply dealers directly so it seems they have gear sooner because in the UK all goes through our distributor.