Power Kite Forum

U-Turn Butanes - anyone with reviews?

thanson2001ok - 7-5-2010 at 12:14 PM

I can't find much info on U-Turn's Butanes. Anyone have experience with them that can offer some insight into performance, quality of workmanship. etc?

Thanks in advance.

DAKITEZ - 7-5-2010 at 12:41 PM

I would love to offer some info but I am very bias since i sell them :thumbup:

craftsmanship is off the charts. They are built to para glider standards. So they are top notch there. Stability, speed it has it all. The thing why they are not much more popular is the price. Not everyone has the money to spend, so they settle for a lesser kite. If you are willing to spend the money then you will not be disappointed.

WIllardTheGrey - 7-5-2010 at 02:35 PM

There is a pass the kite going on with a 5.5m right now. I had it for a few weeks and flew it once. I really liked it.

-- Goes in search of the posts.

EDIT: Reviews and the Pass signup

macboy - 7-5-2010 at 02:39 PM

I think Eli knows a lot about them.......and Rip did too, didn't he? Try some U2Us to them perhaps.

ripsessionkites - 7-5-2010 at 03:32 PM

I'm bias too since I distribute these to dealers. The best build kites in the world. Lots of design goes into them as well as innovations taken from the paraglider world. The butan, oxi are the only kites I know that can change for fb to depower in seconds.

The butan is an advance kite and has a lot of torque and some lift. The nitro is a speed machine. I would still be flying mine if I didn't pick a new sponsor this season but we still have them. The butan II and the nitro is being replaced with the Xenon and all u-turns will feature the same claw as the paraglider series.

Bladerunner - 8-5-2010 at 07:39 AM

Extremely well built. Very expensive. It is a race kite and needs good kite control to get the most out of. Popular in Europe race crowd.

dirtslide - 10-5-2010 at 10:49 AM

it's like a race kite with a big diesel engine ,not always as fast as the sometimes twitchy full race but the lift and full on power of the butane will make up for that .I'm a big guy at 230 lbs and these kites suit me well i have had a set (2 ,3.5,5,7.8) for three years and have really enjoyed them and sometimes have gone home beaten by them.

tridude - 11-5-2010 at 10:25 AM

Ive flown a U Turn Nitro Evo II..........off the charts for quality, and power...............:thumbup:

thanson2001ok - 11-5-2010 at 10:54 AM

Thank you, gentlemen. Sounds like everybody is high on them and I can't go wrong.