Power Kite Forum

First time out with my new kite

KurlyQ - 10-5-2010 at 08:36 PM

Well, I just had one of the awesomest days ever, so I though I might share it here.
I just received my used 4.5m Pansh legend that I bought on Ebay for a steal. (Yes, I know it's a Pansh, but hey, I'm a newbie poor high school student. Feel free to ridicule me, but that's what I can make out with at the moment) :P

Anyways, I had quite a few hours under my belt of flying my 1.7m symphony. After learning to do everything imaginable, including flying blind and riding my longboard, I felt I was ready for a larger kite.

The wind today was reasonably mellow, so I headed out to the park with a willing friend to help set up the kite. The lines were tangled like crazy (What's the best way to stop this from happening?), but I got it figured out in a little while. on the first launch, the kite wouldn't budge, so I lengthened the brake lines. It took off and flew wonderfully after a few minor adjustments.

My first thought as it soared to the top of the wind window:
"good lord. these things pull...a lot":roll:

once I got a feel for the kite, I practiced running around with it. I even scudded a bit, which really took me by surprise.

After getting to know the kite even better, I decided to try some small jumps. Having a rather extensive background in Freerunning, martial arts :ninja: , and gymnastics, I felt I had a good enough feel for jumping and landing.

My first jump (I think it's called a pendulum jump)...WOW :o
...what a rush :wee:

After my first, I tried a few more small jumps and landed on my butt a few times. While on the ground, I found that sliding about on your stomach can be incredibly fun. (although massive grass stains are inevitable)

The wind started to pick up, so I packed up and headed home. I didn't want to end my day with a mouthful of grass...or worse

As far as I can see, this is going to be my new addiction!:smilegrin:

Anyways, a few questions: :puzzled:

1) launching and packing up was easy with some help, but I'm not sure it's going to be as easy without help...any tips?

2) What should I work on next? I want to keep progressing without hurting myself.

3) Any tips or pointers on packing up larger kites? I would rather not spend so much time untangling my lines and whatnot.

3) Any other kiters in Northern Colorado that wouldn't mind meeting up with a newbie and offering a few pointers?


stetson05 - 10-5-2010 at 09:21 PM

Congrats and welcome. Plenty of us have started with Pansh kites and still use them. I am glad you were wise enough to know when to pack it up. I like water bottles to weigh down the kite when setting up and packing up.

Kamikuza - 10-5-2010 at 11:33 PM

Better flying a Pansh than watching a Blade :yes:

Welcome and glad you're enjoying it! Wish I was a high school student again :D

Tangled lines ... I swear the only reason people sell their kites is that they can't be bothered untangling the lines :lol:

Packing up ... it's all about getting a system down pat. I like parapacking (stuffing the lines into the bag) and some people like winding the lines onto the handles. I made a 40cm or so long winder out of wood but found the parapacking much better - faster, fewer tangles less stress ... for me, anyway.

Actually putting the kite in the bag ... weighting the trailing edge, I don't like to do here in my packed dirt park cos the stones are sharp and would wear through the kite. So I got into the habit of ...

1. Stake in ground, brake lines over stake, parked kite in hot zone.
2. Run downwind and behind the kite, throw the bag between the lines about where the bridal leaders end.
3. Pick the kite up by the leading edge then shuffle forwards into it so it wraps around your body like a big dress.
4. Keep shuffling forwards (avoid standing on the kite or bridals) until you have enough slack to fold the wingtip in to the center.
5. As best you can, fold the kite up - tips into center then by halves or roll it. If the wind is bad, do one side then put the kite on the ground and do the other. You should be able to keep most of the bridal (esp. brake) inside the wrap.
6. Fold the rolled kite into thirds - I like trailing edge folded up first then the leading edge down.
7. The kite should now fit in the bag. The secret to parapacking is to have the lines coming out from the kite at the bottom of the bag - otherwise, when you stuff they'll just pop right back out.
8. Stuff the lines in the bag. I put the handles in the front so I can wear the bag without it digging into my back.

That method works fine for all my kites - the only one I really have trouble with is the 12m Ace cos it's so tall and wide. But it's not impossible. Going to make a vid the next no wind day ...

Kamikuza - 10-5-2010 at 11:34 PM

Better flying a Pansh than watching a Blade :yes:

Welcome and glad you're enjoying it! Wish I was a high school student again :D

Tangled lines ... I swear the only reason people sell their kites is that they can't be bothered untangling the lines :lol:

Packing up ... it's all about getting a system down pat. I like parapacking (stuffing the lines into the bag) and some people like winding the lines onto the handles. I made a 40cm or so long winder out of wood but found the parapacking much better - faster, fewer tangles less stress ... for me, anyway.

Actually putting the kite in the bag ... weighting the trailing edge, I don't like to do here in my packed dirt park cos the stones are sharp and would wear through the kite. So I got into the habit of ...

1. Stake in ground, brake lines over stake, parked kite in hot zone.
2. Run downwind and behind the kite, throw the bag between the lines about where the bridal leaders end.
3. Pick the kite up by the leading edge then shuffle forwards into it so it wraps around your body like a big dress.
4. Keep shuffling forwards (avoid standing on the kite or bridals) until you have enough slack to fold the wingtip in to the center.
5. As best you can, fold the kite up - tips into center then by halves or roll it. If the wind is bad, do one side then put the kite on the ground and do the other. You should be able to keep most of the bridal (esp. brake) inside the wrap.
6. Fold the rolled kite into thirds - I like trailing edge folded up first then the leading edge down.
7. The kite should now fit in the bag. The secret to parapacking is to have the lines coming out from the kite at the bottom of the bag - otherwise, when you stuff they'll just pop right back out.
8. Stuff the lines in the bag. I put the handles in the front so I can wear the bag without it digging into my back.

That method works fine for all my kites - the only one I really have trouble with is the 12m Ace cos it's so tall and wide. But it's not impossible. Going to make a vid the next no wind day ...

rocfighter - 11-5-2010 at 04:49 AM

The video would be a good thing. I do understand the method I just want to see you shuffle!! :crazy:

Bladerunner - 11-5-2010 at 06:32 AM

I love the Better flying a Pansh than watching a Blade answer . Bang ON :bigok:

Practice. Loops, downloops ( turning the kite nose down rather than nose up ) , learn to fly by feel ( don't look at the kite ), sit down and stand up, Use the kite to get to standing from sitting.

Have fun :wee:

Drewculous - 11-5-2010 at 06:58 AM

get a bucket if you dont have one... and if you think the wind is too high for the kite... just dont set up!

when i pack my kite, i usually put my atb right in the middle of the kite, fold in one side, adjust the board, fold the other side in, adjust board, and roll it up from the leading edge... then wind the lines

if the wind is kickin, i just stuff the kite in the bag, starting at the middle, working to the outside, then wind the lines as usual...

Try here

Txshooter38 - 11-5-2010 at 04:22 PM

Or this......

Photo 1.jpg - 88kB

pigryder - 11-5-2010 at 05:08 PM

awesome man :thumbup: welcome to the addiction...... :smug:

mougl - 11-5-2010 at 05:35 PM

welcome to the madnesss!

KurlyQ - 11-5-2010 at 09:07 PM

whoa! random freak snowstorm in the middle of may tonight! I'm definitely headed out with a sled tomorrow :)