Hello, my name is Geoff and I am in Southern NH. Recently I decided to take my old kite out that I bought over 15 years ago. It's a Flexifoil and has
no model on the tag. I believe it was called a Power 8, 9 or 10 and looks like thier current stacker models. I took the kite out on a decent, windy
day and spent 3 hours trying to launch it. This was in a big field with tall grass, I was alone and I am used to only launching from a beach with no
grass holding the lines. Anyway, a week later I went back to this field to try again, this time with tent poles which is a trick I used to employ
years ago, but I noticed my spar set was gone.
Now I sent Flexifoil a number of e-mails asking for help on identification of the kite and if they still have parts available for this kite. I have
had no response and it's really unfortunate. I see they sell spars online, only I can't figure out if my kite applies to the current stacker models.
My kite measures 9' long, but I see they have parts for the stacker 8 and the 10. I spent a lot of money on it, like $300 for the kite and another
$100 or so for the lines. My spars were 3 sections, the center section was grey and the outers were black. The ferrules were solid brass.
Anyway, since Flexifoil isn't helping me, I am hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your help in advance.
-Geoffarkay - 16-5-2010 at 08:29 AM
Wow, flexi has been very responsive to all my emails. I'd shoot an email to
with the question for kite I'd and spar size replacement. I can do some looking for kite size sice the manuals are still online but if you had any
pic that might help. This kite was before my time U bet some of the other folks have had lots of Rubinstein with stackers jethro - 16-5-2010 at 08:46 AM
Originally posted by arkay
Yep, that was one of the many e-mails I have used with no luck. Amazed myself, they seem to be the real deal type of company.
Where can I find these manuals online? I might be able to figure it out. I'll get a pic posted today as well.Bladerunner - 16-5-2010 at 08:56 AM
Are you just tooling around or do you think you'll enjoy getting in to power kiting and riding ?
Flexfoil is a good company that usuall gives good service. Interesting to hear of your trouble.arkay - 16-5-2010 at 09:12 AM
stacker 6
windspan : 178 cm / 70 inches
spars : 3 part GRP
proteam 8
wingspan : 249 cm / 98 inches
spars : 3 part GRP/Carbon
super 10
wingspan : 286 cm / 113 inches
spars : 3 part GRP/Carbon
Angus at costal wind sports also makes custom length spars for arcs, I don't know but I would think that these would fit a stacker, worth asking. I
haven't been able to find the stacker spar diameter.
Best bet probably to measure spar pocket and get new spars based on this.
Also sent you a u2u/pm
FYI, I am in no way affiliated with Angus. He's the only person I know with spars acampbell - 16-5-2010 at 09:23 AM
I will try and remember to ring them up in the morning. Their policy is to support a product with spares for 2 years after a product is discontinued
but they will likely have the info you need about maybe adapting the current stacker spares which are still available.
They are stocking product and some parts in the US now, but these spares may likely have t come from the UK; I'll ask.acampbell - 16-5-2010 at 09:29 AM
Arkay, just read the rest of your post; thanks. My spars will not work for this. The Flexifoil are more flexible glass or carbon. Mine are larger
aluminum and stiff. It has been a while since I have had to order them for someone so I will have to ask.
super 10
wingspan : 286 cm / 113 inches
spars : 3 part GRP/Carbon
Wow, super 10, that may be it! 113 inches is very close to 9!jethro - 16-5-2010 at 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Bladerunner
Are you just tooling around or do you think you'll enjoy getting in to power kiting and riding ?
Flexfoil is a good company that usuall gives good service. Interesting to hear of your trouble.
I'd love to get into riding, some day kite surfing, but the last thing I can afford is another expensive hobby right now. I used to fly this kite
every summer on Nantucket, MA. That is where I bought the kite. Saw it in the corner and really wanted to give it a go, but now here I am with no
Great forum! Glad to see how active it is and thank you all for the help!furbowski - 16-5-2010 at 04:50 PM
Originally posted by jethro
the last thing I can afford is another expensive hobby right now.
famous last words....
welcome to the hobby!csa_deadon - 16-5-2010 at 07:21 PM
The other thing to remember about the spars in all of the flexi's is the end spars are tapered, so the when the kite does take shape the tips curve
down much like the PL twin skin.
Typically in the original series the stacker 6 had a two piece glass rod with a brass ferrel.
The 8's and 10's had a ridged carbon center spar.
The super 16 had a two piece carbon center spar.
The dimensions should not have changed all that much over the years.
The orig 8's that I own are almost identical to the RM 8's I currently own.
Check out www.cobrakites.com they have the spar kits listed and looks like $54 to $68 from cobra for the complete spar set up.borntofli - 16-5-2010 at 07:35 PM
but the last thing I can afford is another expensive hobby right now.
Thats the funniest thing i've heard, once it goes into the air so does the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Ain't it wonderful.................acampbell - 17-5-2010 at 06:36 AM
Just talked w/ Flexifoil. U2U sent.jethro - 18-5-2010 at 03:31 PM
Don't know why, but do not think I got an U2U message from you acampbell? Maybe I'm just too green to understand the system. Anyway, I measured the
kite, the spar pocket is 112 inches if I measured it right, really sounds like the super 10? I took some pictures, they are uploading right now, I'll
post them soon.jethro - 18-5-2010 at 04:11 PM
Let's see if I can manage to post some images:
I also noticed that the bag says 10', 286cm on it. Hopefully you can help me out Angus!jethro - 18-5-2010 at 04:19 PM
Looking at this page: http://www.cobrakites.com/newflex.html and seeing the 286cm on the bag that came with my kite, I'd say I'm safe to buy the spar kit for a super
10. Is all I need going to be included in the spar kit for $67.95? Do I need ferrules or some plastic tips or anything?
What a bummer. I found the hole in my kite bag that the spars must have escaped from... damn kite bag. Just glad to see I can do something about it.
Side note: It's now Tuesday, at least two weeks after I assaulted Flexifoi with every email address I could find for them and STILL no reply. Very
strange...acampbell - 18-5-2010 at 04:56 PM
I will ring then up in the morning and find out what we need for a complete replacement. I will check my U2U's too to make sure I did not buggar
something up. Been doing a lot of that lately.jethro - 18-5-2010 at 06:24 PM
Originally posted by acampbell
I will ring then up in the morning and find out what we need for a complete replacement. I will check my U2U's too to make sure I did not buggar
something up. Been doing a lot of that lately.
Thanks so much!:singing::wee:jethro - 26-5-2010 at 03:17 AM
No luck here Angus?acampbell - 26-5-2010 at 05:18 AM
U2U sentacampbell - 26-5-2010 at 07:23 AM
For the sake of anyone else looking for Stacker Spars, the current problem is that these are not yet stocked with the US distributor, and they are too
long to ship from the UK via the more economical (albeit slow) Royal Mail. Shipping via commercial carrier would cost more than the spars. Normally
I would wait and piggy back the order with a larger order from the UK, but since the more common items ARE stocked here in the US, that does not
happen as often. A conundrum.
Hopefully Flexi can send some Stacker spares to the US distributor with the next major re-supply and then we will be better equipped.WolfWolfee - 26-5-2010 at 07:41 AM
Glad to hear they are actually supporting North America, still have a bad taste in mouth over the Sabre's. Love my Sabre but won't purchase another
Flexi over the poor service.erratic winds - 26-5-2010 at 08:02 AM
for the love of pete don't trust anything to Royal Mail!
Took them 3.5 months to get a package of two audio CD's to me from london. Most worthless money I have ever spent, and that's really saying
something!jethro - 7-6-2010 at 03:01 PM
Originally posted by WolfWolfee
Glad to hear they are actually supporting North America, still have a bad taste in mouth over the Sabre's. Love my Sabre but won't purchase another
Flexi over the poor service.
They aren't supporting me, they haven't responded to any of a dozen emails over the past two months, and it appears I can't get spars. Kite is now a
worthless pile of fabric.
Does anyone have any feedback on the Cobra Kites website I linked? They show stacker spar sets available by order. Is this a reputable company?indigo_wolf - 7-6-2010 at 06:10 PM
Cobra Kites is indeed a reputable retailer.
In addition to their online store, they have a brick and mortar location in Tom's River, NJ.
One of the owners, is Ray Merry... who was one of the inventors (along with Andrew Jones) of the.... Flexifoil Stacker :o and later the SpeedFoil RM.
I expect he would be able to tell you a fair bit about the kite.
If you have Cobra Kites don't readily have the Stacker spars on hand, give a holler. There might be a couple of alternate sources.
Samacampbell - 7-6-2010 at 06:27 PM
Shipping from UK is $80 for the 10' spar because of the length, but I can dilute that cost a bit by adding some other things I need. I was just
hoping that they would put some in the next container that comes over the pond, but that does not happen often enough. Maybe check with Cobra to see
what they suggest, as Sam says, and maybe go to Kitebuilder.com for the parts. Sorry that I did not come up with a comprehensive solution faster.indigo_wolf - 7-6-2010 at 07:41 PM
Yikes.... on the shipping.
Check with Cobra Kites if they have the spars in stock. If they don't have it in stock, they might at least have the specs for the spars.
You might also want to ask them if the spars for a Speedfoil RM10 would be compatible with your kite, as spar material and the size of the foil seems
to be the same:
Wingspan : 286 cm / 113 inches
Spar material : 3 part GRP/Carbon
If all you can get are the specs, you should be able to get sorted through Kitebuilder or Goodwinds who recently merged with Avia Sports (one of the
primary providers in the US for pultruded carbon spars).
If you don't want to go the DIY route. I can check with Dr. Gravity on the Cape. It has been a while, but last time I was in their they had a glut of
Flexifoil Stackers and ostensibly parts. Worth a shot anyway.