Power Kite Forum

Synergy 15 tuning tips..I need some

borntofli - 21-5-2010 at 05:14 PM

The winds i'm flying it in are 15-20mph.... Kitesurfing, no land sports..... I've messed around w/ the settings, but would like to know what seasoned arc flyers would have to say.....


Kamikuza - 21-5-2010 at 05:44 PM


What is the VPC ?
Answer: VPC is Variable Power Control - its the V shaped bridle which passes through the spar pulleys and is attached to both front and rear pigtails. The bridal works by moving the front tow point back when sheeted in to give more power and then moving it as far forward as possible to allow for as much depower as possible while still having tight rear lines allowing for fast turning while depowered. Default setting for the V bridle is the middle knot position.
Note: Each side of the V bridle MUST be connected at the same knot position.

What effect does using the different knots have on the kite ?

Towards the kite:
* Less direct depower
* Smoother power buildup when sheeting in or out.
* More depower
* Less bar pressure
* Less stalling

Away from the kite:
* More direct depower
* faster power buildup when sheeting in or out.
* More power
* More bar pressure

borntofli - 21-5-2010 at 06:14 PM

I know all that, but what i'm wanting is what flyers are using for their settings.... I change things everytime I go out to feel what the changes actually do, I'm looking for feedback as to how people's kites fly at different settings........

Tip straps tight, does it choke the kite, more power ??

Just looking for opinions on how they fly w/ different settings....\

Bladerunner - 21-5-2010 at 06:49 PM

I am interested in what folks have to say here as well.
All too often I am flying in too low of wind Say 8-10mph . I have the most success with everything loose ( trim strap in ) but Rip' takes the kite, does the opposite and then puts me to shame !
As the wind picks up I like it all in the middle. Again Rip' tightens it all up ( lossenss the trim strap) and shames me.
When it gets real strong I like them loose again . Of course Rip likes them tight ( trim strap wide open ) .....

I take the same kite back from Rip with the same , full on settings and I just don't get the same thing out of it.
It seems that a shorter skirt means you loosen your straps more often!
Go figure ! :spin:

Mostly I start with everything in the middle and keep it there ?

ripsessionkites - 21-5-2010 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
I am interested in what folks have to say here as well.
All too often I am flying in too low of wind Say 8-10mph . I have the most success with everything loose but Rip' takes the kite, does the opposite and then puts me to shame !
As the wind picks up I like it all in the middle. Again Rip' tightens it all up and shames me.
When it gets real strong I like them loose again . Of course Rip likes them tight.....

I take the same kite back from Rip with the same , full on settings and I just don't get the same thing out of it.
It seems that a shorter skirt means you loosen your straps more often!
Go figure ! :spin:

hahaha, have fun at Wash. State this week.

the setting on the VPC Bridle i had:
Away from the kite (see pic above)
* More direct depower
* faster power buildup when sheeting in or out.
* More power
* More bar pressure

Kite Internal Straps (low winds)
* all loose (normally its all tight though) :crazy:

Kite Internal Straps (medium / high winds)
* all tight

Bar Setting Trim Strap(all wind condition)
* out
I set the bar trim all the way out because I actually dont like the bar too close to me so when im cruising I push the bar all the way out and when I jump I only have to bring the bar in about 60% to get boost. in the lighter winds you would of course have to work the kite just a bit because than it would have too much back stall. than again I never really like flying Arcs in sub-conditions when you could be on a buggy instead using a FB Foil.

when I borrow Bladerunner's arc I never adjust his internal kite settings, I just release his bar trim to full out.

thats my setting, whats yours?

PHREERIDER - 22-5-2010 at 07:44 AM

internal straps loose , middle knots across the board

never touch it

1/3 in on the internal if you have solid 15+mph ,,makes things a little snappy.

but really forget about it. set it, LEAVE IT ALONE AND FLY IT!

stop changing it

-mj- - 25-5-2010 at 07:40 AM

What Phree said. leave it alone and fly it!

Have one good dayslong sesh to figure out what setting works for you (internal straps that is) then leave it at that unless you're in complete opposite conditions then what you're used to, then you might need to set it for that.
Bar settings, different story cause you can change on the fly.

PS. mine are on middle setting (all three) since I received it and I've never touched them straps.