Power Kite Forum

Glad my wife wants to move home

shaggs2riches - 24-5-2010 at 10:14 AM

My wife is from Campbell River, and next year would like us to try to move back home (can't blame her its definitely nicer than Saskatchewan) I was kinda worried that I would have a hard time finding places to kite till I saw this:

And I found this web page that lists other kiting spots on the island. Things might not be so bad after all. Now I just need to find a steady electrical job to get us there.:wee:


highazakite - 24-5-2010 at 04:31 PM

wow lucky you!
looks awesome redwoods and a kiteable lake. makes me want to run north..

Bladerunner - 24-5-2010 at 04:46 PM

Nitinat is a very special place.
Plan a camp out right on the beach. Lots of well established rough camping spots that aren't part of the Gov. camp ground. The campground and whole vibe there is amazing. The sweat lodge is so nice.
Good place to take lessons , if you are still at that stage then.

The whole coast from Tophino to Past long beach is the best beach riding that we have to offer ! You lucky Dawg!!!!:thumbup:

Welcome back the the Wet Coast!

Kamikuza - 24-5-2010 at 05:06 PM

Little ice creams seem to be popular there ... is there a shop on the beach?
Looks like a good place to ride!

WolfWolfee - 24-5-2010 at 10:24 PM

you also better be making twice the wage, taxes are a #@%$#!. You can pay up to 23% provincial depending on how much you make plus the 8% provincial sales tax and medical and highest gas prices in Canada etc etc. I too use to live in BC but like the money in my pocket not the governments. Alberta has a flat tax rate of 15% and no sales tax that puts more money in my pockets not the Governments.
Think of it as taking an extra 20% off each pay check you'll never see.
BC is definitely a beautiful place to visit but can't afford to live there..IMHO

shaggs2riches - 25-5-2010 at 06:03 AM

Originally posted by WolfWolfee
you also better be making twice the wage, taxes are a #@%$#!. You can pay up to 23% provincial depending on how much you make plus the 8% provincial sales tax and medical and highest gas prices in Canada etc etc. I too use to live in BC but like the money in my pocket not the governments. Alberta has a flat tax rate of 15% and no sales tax that puts more money in my pockets not the Governments.
Think of it as taking an extra 20% off each pay check you'll never see.
BC is definitely a beautiful place to visit but can't afford to live there..IMHO

Yeah that's the other thing that has stopped me from going. Prices are either the same as Alberta or Higher for housing and when I looked last year some of the electrical places were paying as much as $6 less per hour than I'm making now. Think that's why when you mention B.C. to my family they always say "bring cash";)

Bladerunner - 25-5-2010 at 06:32 AM

Nitinat is just a little Native village Store , hotel , campground , and that is about it. 1 hour down a logging road. 2 hours from any decent sized town . I private heaven in the sub tropic rainforest of the N.W. Vancouver Island.
It was discovered by windsurfers back in the day and they STILL rule the place !
It is it's secluded nature and predictable wind that is it's charm ! :cool:

Hardrock - 25-5-2010 at 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
Little ice creams seem to be popular there ... is there a shop on the beach?
Looks like a good place to ride!

Stupid me, I thought they were all eating candy bars.

There's wind in mountains. I should be able to find a spot.

Bladerunner - 25-5-2010 at 04:52 PM

It's sort of a Gorge . Fed from the ocean . They are in salt-ish water and at sea level. Slightly tidal. Nothing in Nitnat is easily explained. One of those places on earth you just have to go to , to understand !

Kamikuza - 25-5-2010 at 05:10 PM

Crappy monitors at work, Hard ... FFS who uses 14in LCDs anyway?!?