Those look sweet. I guess roller skates are back,,,,, but now with pimpin wheels and low profile tiresBladerunner - 29-5-2010 at 06:50 AM
I was going to order a set for the $119 + free delivery on their website. The site wanted to charge me delivery + use UPS.
I wrote a message explaining who I am, what I do and that I would be interested in purchasing a set for the advertised $119 delivered so I could do a
review here. I got a polite runaround.
I haven't tried them and am slightly put off but here is my thoughts on them:
They fit all sizes but the wheels are fixed to , so is the centre of balance ? ( I think ? )
I enjoy the hard boot on the Coyotes. Keeps my old weak ankles firm. I wonder if I could ride these all day?
The inline wheels allow me to lean / slide an edge similar to snow skis. I wonder what powe sliding 4 wheels is like?
I wonder if they will actually stand up to the hard landings I have when jumping ? At that price how bullet proof can they be ?
I won't be waisting and real money on these but am willing to put out some coin to try and break a set ! :dunno:
Too bad the guy skates about as good as he flies kite ! :Pbobalooie57 - 29-5-2010 at 07:26 AM
I'd have to agree BR, they really don't look like they are up to the task for your style, with jumping and hard landings, but for a park and ride
style, or a wind skate/kitewing set-up might be comfortable with some good hikers, and the easy option for us large footed folk. I'd also like to try
some and will save up for a new set (the CL ones are for the small of foot) and post a review too!indigo_wolf - 29-5-2010 at 07:33 AM
I expect that the springs/suspension are supposed to help when you are carving. However the trucks look to be made of plastic, unless they are a
shell. Unfortunately the "Design Features" section doesn't seem to go far enough wrt to build materials.