Dust Bowl Shredder - 28-5-2010 at 08:05 PM
Hey Guys
I have a kite I received from an ebay seller and it has a big tear in it.What should I do? Send it back to Slingshot for repair?
Throw it in the trash? Send it back to seller?
See the pic
Thanks for the help.
Dust Bowl Shredder - 28-5-2010 at 09:25 PM
I see that fix my kite is an option and I will give them a call or get an online quote.
Any other options out there?
shaggs2riches - 28-5-2010 at 09:34 PM
believe me I'm no expert and just sent my first repair job in the mail. If you can get to both sides of the ripstop you might be able to get away with
using sail tape. I might be first questioning the seller though and seeing if you can get a refund unless it was stated as torn in the sale
description. If you really want to get it done professionally you can send it off to a repair shop. Check with powerzone he might be able to fix you
up or look for someone closer to you
shaggs2riches - 28-5-2010 at 09:38 PM
They are located in Corpus Christi, TX so might be closest to you and come highly recommended. I like to support the guys on the forum if I can
indigo_wolf - 28-5-2010 at 11:59 PM
The only reason I might advise against sail tape (in this case) is that the tear seems to be on one of the cell seams.
Dust Bowl Shredder - 29-5-2010 at 01:50 PM
Yes the rip is on the seams at the attach points.The seller was selling the kites left to her by a friend who passed away.It was an honest mistake and
she has taken care of me in that regard. The original owner she says was in fact an employ of Slingshot.I have met some fine people on eBay and she is
one of them.I purchased a b6 from her as well and it is brand spanking new.
Looks like I will be sending it in to fixmykite as they are on the other end of TX from me.I sent some pics to them to get an estimate.The kite is
very crispy and feels new.