Power Kite Forum

GoJoe - No go.....unless......

macboy - 29-5-2010 at 09:22 PM

I saw the board leash thread and thought this was worth it's own topic here. Halfway through last weekend's fun I actually removed the GoJoe from my board. It works like a damn, don't get me wrong and I'll likely consider putting it back on once I'm boosting 30 footers and dropping my board but for my newb skills on the water it was more frustration than anything.

Two things. One, it made it hard to submarine the board in shallow water starts (stepping the board to the lake bottom, stepping in and sitting back to let it come up).

Second - I spent so much time with a wind hungry kite just keeping things under control in the sky that the GoJoe's sail behavior had the board forever running after it downwind. Too frustrating. Pulled it off and the board was never too far from me the rest of the day.

I see the virtues but like I said, I think it's when your skills are solid and you find yourself dropping the board behind you. Might be a different ballgame in surf but for me, for now GoJoe's a no-go.

Bladerunner - 30-5-2010 at 06:54 AM

Ocean Rodeo are a semi - local company and people have been trying the GoJoe here for a few years. It never really took off.

That turbo launcher was another invention that started here. Both are good ideas but have their issues and never really took off.

Submarining is CHEATING M'boy !:P

manitoulinkiter1 - 30-5-2010 at 07:33 AM


When you get good enough to boost 20 foot jumps your kite control will also be good enough you can upwind body drag back to your board.
When I learned all I heard was how easy upwind body dragging was, but I couldn't do it. Best I could do was hold ground and try not to drowned.
The next year as I progressed I lost my board and got dragged downwind on a wipe out in the middle of the lake. I kind of thought I was going to lose the board while I dragged to shore. So I gave the upwind drag a try and was at the board in two easy tacks.
Upwind body dragging is easy once your kite control skills improve. It will come in time.


AD72 - 30-5-2010 at 08:49 AM

Agreed. Body dragging is the way to go. if you can practice in shallows to start it is great. I was in a bay yesterday where I could just walk to the board. It was much easier than having to deal wih surf. The one problem was the board was at knee level so I kept on getting whacked in the knees and shins when I would crash. When are they coming out wiht the Nurf kiteboard?

PHREERIDER - 30-5-2010 at 10:40 AM

never seen one, the pics frighten me. it is a skill prop , just like the board leash.

no go 4 go joe

Kamikuza - 30-5-2010 at 06:45 PM

Better than a leash for sure but it looks like a nuisance. Bet it makes the board easy to see though but I'd rather try dying my fins etc.

Phree - I had the idea of a leash that released under a certain load, like a bar safety system but with a bungy to determine release tension. One of the guys on kiteforum.com made one out of a Cabrihna leash ... would work in theory :lol: waiting for his report ...

arkay - 30-5-2010 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Submarining is CHEATING M'boy !:P

:thumbup: And it get you in trouble in deep water when you can't... but I'm guilty too :)