hi all
i just wanted to ask about the strop line that connects the two handles in bridled kites.i cannot buy one were i live how long should the lent of the
line be between the handles,and should i attach the strop line too the piece of line that dandling from the handle our direct to the handles its self.
good winds
glenB-Roc - 11-6-2010 at 05:14 PM
The length of the strop should be about the length of your shoulder to your wrist but not longer. That way, if hooked in and you drop a handle it
can't slide further away than you can reach.
Yes, connect it via a larkshead to the line dangling out of the back of the handle behind the power leader or if that line is long enough larkshead
that to the strop but you'll need to tie a knot at the ends of the strop so it doesn't slide off.
As to what to use I use 5mm climbing rope or 5mm boating rope - dacron sheethed with a spectra core or pure dacron with a heavy shock load. No pure
spectra as it has a low melting point and its a bit stiff.glennr - 11-6-2010 at 06:01 PM
ye thanks b-roc answered it all fair play,great site for info
good winds
glenKamikuza - 11-6-2010 at 08:37 PM
Good point B-roc, never thought of that!arkay - 11-6-2010 at 10:37 PM
I use 21" for a strop but it's very personal for the length. I find the best way to get the right length is to try to do forward loops, back loops,
and cut hard upwind. That'll give you the most length you'll need. Might take a while to find your preference.
I also use 5mm or 7mm sailbot sheet line. 2500lbs pre-stretched hehe
I attach mine to the powerline pigtails with slip knots and make sure that the slip side is between the handles. This makes sure that there's
positive presure on the knots so they tighten. I've never hand any problems with this setup and it allows me to easily remore and replace the strop
when I'm done or mov it between handles.
The top picture is a weird perspective, but ...
WIllardTheGrey - 11-6-2010 at 11:43 PM
Originally posted by arkay
~I attach mine to the brake leaders~
? a strop on the breaks am I missing something important?WELDNGOD - 12-6-2010 at 04:08 AM
those are the power leaders dudearkay - 12-6-2010 at 10:19 AM
Yeah power pig tails... aparently a disterous typo :Dvwbrian - 12-6-2010 at 10:27 AM
Nice way to attach them. I have been using a loop and larks heading them on. Your way is alot cleaner. Looks like I have some work to do this weekend
to swap mine out.
I use climbing rope from REI and then put a plastic tube over it. Works good on a Pulley spreader but not on a fixed hook. at least with the tubing I
used.glennr - 13-6-2010 at 04:22 AM
hi gang
thanks for all the input f**ken deadly
thank again
good winds glennocando - 13-6-2010 at 08:17 AM
is there any good reading about in regaurd to strops and harnesses and there use.