Power Kite Forum

Total Newbie but dying to get started

acartier1981 - 15-6-2010 at 11:16 AM

Hi everyone and thank you in advance for every last little tip from everyone.

I Just started looking into kites last night and it took about a min before I decided I have to get one. I have been reading a lot all over the web about learning the sport and have seen people saying anywhere from a 1.5 m to a 6 m kite for training.

I live in Spokane WA, not too far from Idaho, and want to learn this summer to hopefully be prepared to try a board this winter. I also don't know if anyone does this, but does anyone use them on lakes with wake boards or anything? I am a ways away from the ocean but would love to be prepared for the water somewhat when I get a chance to head to the coast.

I dont want to spend more than $350 to $400 at first. I have seen a lot about the HQ Rush III series and Hydra series as being good trainers. I am keep my mind clear till I hear more advice and thoughts from others. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.



BigMikesKites - 15-6-2010 at 11:53 AM

You are smart to get started now with something smaller and then moving to larger when you really need to.

ragden - 15-6-2010 at 11:59 AM

I guess the first question to ask is... what is your planned riding medium? Water? Snow? Land? Or did you intend on riding on all three? Just wondering...

indigo_wolf - 15-6-2010 at 12:16 PM

Without getting too personal... size, age, weight and average winds in your area would also help with suggestions.


tridude - 15-6-2010 at 12:40 PM

we were all new once.....welcome and fire away with your questions........................:lol::lol::lol::duh::duh:

mougl - 15-6-2010 at 02:58 PM

Welcome! Sent u2u :)

acartier1981 - 15-6-2010 at 03:09 PM

Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone. I am 180 lbs, 5'9, winds avg 9 - 10 mph here. I want to learn on land and then go from there, though snow is the most common thing around here. :)

Txshooter38 - 15-6-2010 at 03:40 PM

Welcome aboard. I started with a 2 line rush trainer. It was a great kite and I do not have anything bad to say about it. However, if I did it all over i would start with a 4 line kite (beamer, etc...within your price range) b/c you can more easily reverse launch and is as easy to learn as the 2 line. (IMO)

Good luck and fire away with the questions....the group on here is awesome and you will learn a TON!

WELDNGOD - 15-6-2010 at 04:27 PM

welcome aboard the good ship "maxxed -out Visa card":lol::lol:

2.5 -3.0 foil for starters, but in your area there should be someone close who would be more than willing to infect uhh I mean allow to try some kites.:saint:

Soon ,you will take notice when trees bow, or the flag sticks straight out you will get all tickley feelin in your guts.Then make some excuse why you gotta leave work early,or not even go in. And before you know it, you have kites out the wazoo. And exspensive ones too , oh yeah , chunkin down a grand or two cause you gotta have that! Happens every day here, to someone. Ya just cannot stop, not even under threat from the Mrs. Before long you will buy kites the same color so she won't notice you gotta new one.
Might as well face it ,your addicted to wind.

welcome to the ugly world of "skycrack":lol::lol:

stetson05 - 15-6-2010 at 04:50 PM

Welcome, Just a couple of hours south. I would start with a 4 line trainer and if you are really set on water then the Hydra will work too. At least a three line will let you reverse launch and save you a lot of walking. If you are really poor you could go with a 3m legend or blaze by pansh but quality control is low and your kite will fly differently than mine. Typically you can find good deals on here from good people. There is a guy on here from Coeur d'Alene that I will sent a message to for you. He hasn't been on since Feb so I don't know if he will respond.

furbowski - 15-6-2010 at 08:43 PM

Getting together with somebody would be the best way to go, esp. if you are on any kind of budget, after flying a couple hours you'll know more about what you want.

acartier1981 - 15-6-2010 at 09:13 PM

I u2u'ed stetson hoping he might be willing to let me check one out. That would be the best I agree, but I have seen a PL Twister II for 220 and looking for other used ones, or the HQ scout, or the Prism... Trying to stay calm and reasonable before spending anything. Its difficult, the fact that there isn't a store nearby I can run to and buy one makes it easier, lol.

mougl - 15-6-2010 at 09:30 PM

I know the ansy feeling all too well....I still get it every time I order equipment.

Best advice I can offer is take you time to make the best decision on your first kite, the wind will be there :thumbup:

nocando - 16-6-2010 at 12:28 AM

also there is great info at this site


shehatesmyhobbies - 16-6-2010 at 11:52 AM

Welcome! good luck on your first purchase. Hopefully you can find a local to show you a thing or two or let you fly before you buy! You will get hooked so I suggest a little jar under your bed where you can stash any extra money for a future kite purchase. Have a blast!