Power Kite Forum

I need Speed!

Kamikuza - 16-6-2010 at 06:12 AM

Took the Speed 1.5 17m out today ... supposed to be around 8 to 10 knots (usually more at the beach, as opposed to the weather station) but apparently is was 6 to 8 knots instead ...!

Got a few good rides out of it - when the Speed tips over that knife-edge of unpowered vs. powered, it's off like a bloody rocket and upwind you go! Unfortunately the wind was #@%$#!e so I did a lot of walking :lol: Mind you so did the local mini-men.

I like the FS concept so far; LE down relaunches easy, fast and good upwind but it's s-l-o-w turning is a hassle :)

Strangely enough ... I want more :D

ragden - 16-6-2010 at 06:30 AM

The speed kites are awesome. From what I've heard, they only got better with each years production. I'd be curious to see what you would think after trying a Speed 2 and possibly a S3...

ripsessionkites - 16-6-2010 at 01:09 PM

lol .... i have a Speed 3 19m - Deluxe coming ... i went from 15 to 19. if this doesn't get me riding/jumping Im going back to my Vapor 16m

ripsessionkites - 16-6-2010 at 07:57 PM

Should we apply the Kami discount card code soon. Hehehe

Kamikuza - 16-6-2010 at 08:34 PM

Don't tempt me you bugger ... I got to pay a couple of grand for moving house soon, and I got 6 weeks off work with minimal income too :lol: I'd have a real good time explaining to the wife why I dropped the moving money on a kite - especially when she looks in the kite cupboard :ticking:

borntofli - 16-6-2010 at 08:41 PM

I think it's more like a barn than a cupboard.....