Power Kite Forum

Advice on getting the right kite

xsv21 - 20-6-2010 at 09:52 AM

I have a 5m tensor and I am looking into buying a nice depower kite. I think I need a 10ish m depower for 10-15 mph winds. I have a nice landboard and wAnt to put it to good use. I was looking at this

any other ideas? I am looking to spend around 300-400

xsv21 - 20-6-2010 at 01:35 PM

I really need some help

Maven454 - 20-6-2010 at 01:38 PM

Patience grasshopper. Many people are busy on the weekend. You'll get plenty of responses.

acampbell - 20-6-2010 at 01:42 PM

KiteDog here had one and they are sweet. That is a big jump so be careful and start out in lighter winds. Nice to be able to turn down the power of a Blade but remember they are a LOT more aggressive than your Tensor. You don't NEED that much kite for 10-15 MPH winds. I was just out flying an 8m Neo in 9-12 mph just fine and that is likely a heavier kite than the modded Blade.

xsv21 - 20-6-2010 at 01:50 PM

So I should use the blade is lower winds? And my tensor in highr wind, and is this a good kite for boarding?

acampbell - 20-6-2010 at 02:00 PM

Over time you will learn to control the de-power Blade in high winds, just probably not as much as the Tensor. Start with the Blade in 8-10 if you can.
Great kite for land-boarding.

xsv21 - 20-6-2010 at 04:39 PM

So I should go for it?

xsv21 - 21-6-2010 at 05:40 AM

I don't think the blade was ment to be a depower, what are some other kites you guys have in mind that would be good for snow/land kiting? Again somewhere around 200-400

ragden - 21-6-2010 at 06:06 AM

Unfortunately, I think you will probably have a hard time finding a good depower kite for that much. They tend to run a bit more. Or you could check into the "for sale" forum. There is a 7m Montana 3 posted up for just a little bit more than you want to spend. You might be able to talk him down a bit...

acampbell - 21-6-2010 at 06:12 AM

Originally posted by xsv21
I don't think the blade was ment to be a depower,

No, but the design lends itself to this type of conversion nicely. It already has a ground adjustable bridle (or can add one aftermarket)- now it is adjustable on the fly.

Based on your wishes and your budget, this is a good deal. New de-powers start north of $600. Otherwise your budget would get you just the bar! (new)

xsv21 - 21-6-2010 at 07:35 AM

So you think I should go for the blade?

bobalooie57 - 21-6-2010 at 07:56 AM

Ultimately, it is your decision. The 10M Frenzy you are looking at would also fit the bill, and started out as a de-power. Both kites will loft you if not respected, so start out at the lower end of their wind range. The Frenzy has the added value of having been owned by one of it's designers(so the seller says). Either of the two, in flying condition, should be worth the asking price, IMHO.

edit: I've seen some amazing things done on snow with the Frenzy, the Blade I've only seen in F.B. mode, but equally impressive.

acampbell - 21-6-2010 at 08:08 AM

It's a handful of kite for the first de-power but if you have flown your Tensor in a lot of different conditions and are comfortable with it, then you should should be OK if you start out in 8-10. Too little wind can be frustrating with de-power too, so look for that "Goldilocks" wind - just right.

If you have other kite peeps to help, all the better. Remember, de-power kites want to be in motion to realize their benefit, so you should be comfortable on your land board.

Remember you'll need a harness of course.

xsv21 - 21-6-2010 at 08:47 AM

So either of the kites would be good? I think I'll go with the blade, also, I should start in lower wind?

Bladerunner - 21-6-2010 at 05:04 PM

I haven't seen the add for the Frenzy but I would go with a depower kite that was designed as a depower kite for my 1st experience.

A re-worked kite is like a re-worked car. You will need to understand it and tweek it in one way or another. Ozone is rock solid and should cause you a lot less agro. + perform as designed, SAFE !

Would you paraglide with a reworked paraglider ?