Jovver - 23-6-2010 at 12:56 PM
I'll be visiting a friend in NJ (Lincoln Park) starting next Thursday (7-1) until the following Monday (7-5) We are planning on heading up to Great
Kills Park on Staten Island that Thursday night if the weather is decent, and we may hit the Jersey shore a different day. If anyone wants to get
together for a quick fly, let me know!
indigo_wolf - 23-6-2010 at 01:15 PM
EEEEK !!! Everyone is migrating to the NE.
Something must be up with the Jet Stream and Moon phases...

Come up a little further north to RI as it looks like pokitetrash, rocfighter, dgkid78, and maybe cheezycheese are already circling the wagons.
acartier1981 - 23-6-2010 at 07:27 PM
Makes me wish I still lived in Philly.
rando - 25-6-2010 at 04:04 PM
I live down at the shore. I'm around the central part of the State's coastline. There are a couple of guys around here that fly. Keep us posted and
maybe it'll work out that we can do some flying. I sent you a U2U.