Power Kite Forum

Confessions part 7... On water w/ speed 17SA

borntofli - 25-6-2010 at 06:43 PM

Went to the beach today with the hopes of flying my new pulse 12.. Wind 11-12 kts..
Put it up and knew it wasn't enough, but went into the water to try anyways.... No luck... Put it away and pulled out the speed 17..

I have only flown it once before. Launched it and scudded around on the beach for a bit... Not very good scuds, slow turning kite so I didn't think I had a chance of getting going in the water...

Out into the water I go with my slingshot sx 143. Its the biggest board i have... The waves were 2-3 feet... First couple attempts I just slogged like a plow, staying up but couldn't get going.... Then I got a good power dive and up and away.. Once the kite gets moving its like a tractor.. Pull the bar in and out but leave the kite parked....

I could have went forever except for the people in the water... I was even going upwind a little, gradually getting farther from shore....

Made a few long runs both ways, but cannot turn around without falling down.. But i could slog at a snails pace the big kite keeping me up but not enough speed to go...

I didn't think I could get going w/ this kite but I guess that shows what a little effort will get you...

If I had a little bigger board I think it would have been much easier...

When I was on the beach scudding around a little kid asked me if that was a parachute and was I going to fly away with it.... I said I hope not..................

A great afternoon.....

I am so addicted..............

Why am I always the only kiter on the water..... Or land for that matter?????

PHREERIDER - 25-6-2010 at 07:54 PM

i was the only kiter out . i am always out so we must not be alone !

great afternoon, ON to the NEXT!

tridude - 25-6-2010 at 09:23 PM

I know that feeling....................congrats and glad to see you got the 12 P2.....................how about that Iron Heart 2 chicken loop

borntofli - 26-6-2010 at 04:07 AM

I want one of those on every bar I have......That thing is awesome, simple strong and sandproof.....

Kamikuza - 26-6-2010 at 06:28 AM

Good to hear :thumbup: my evil twin at it again :lol:

My sessions on the vanilla Speed 17 have been in that wind range, maybe (probably?) a little more - but I'm on a monster board - 179x49 :D
It really is a park and ride kite and seems very sensitive to trim - you gotta be gentle with it but get it loaded and some speed into it and :wee: I said somewhere else that it really feels like a foil on handles when it's working well - keeping a little tension on all the lines and flying concisely rewards more than just throwing it around the sky willy-nilly. Maybe that's why the pumpy boys don't like them :dunno:

Also - they jump like a mad thing! :karate: I was doing mental pendulum jumps after the wind dropped last thursday, getting lofted way into the air and just gliding on down ... felt like it anyway - probably just more "lame jumps" :lol:

tridude - 26-6-2010 at 07:22 AM

yes they are park and ride............................set a hard edge upwind, bar in like an accelerator pedal, and the speed builds and builds and......................send her back hard for nice floaty jumps.................................check your mixer for b -1.5 and c
3.0 cm................make sure you adjust c first.................and a larger door type board is nice too.................................

Houston AirHead - 26-6-2010 at 08:04 AM

i wish you would make your way down to surfside so i could test drive the famous FS17.
seem like the ultimate light wind summer machine

a friend of mine told me nash is doing a demo, end of july down here at the levee.