Power Kite Forum

PL Charger 15 tuning?

Jaymz - 29-6-2010 at 10:30 PM

So I finally thought I had found time and wind to get out and fly the 15m PL Charger after work. Wind was blowing nice all day up until I got to the beach. Went from 10 to almost nothing while setting up, so not much learned today cept setup.
I adjusted the three internal straps full loose, but have no idea which knots to use on the front/rear pigtails.
Any ideas where I should start?

Update: Just found the .pdf manual on the Peter Lynn site which should help :thumbup:

Kamikuza - 29-6-2010 at 11:43 PM

The manual :yes: hate to sound like a smart arse, but the info you need is in there ... I have printouts in a folder in my kite box in the car and when I was learning the arcs, kept an original manual in my pocket. I try to commit it to memory but I'm old and senile ...

IIRC the stock setting is tips all out, middle in 25% and VPC on the middle knot ...

Jaymz - 29-6-2010 at 11:49 PM

Luv you Kami :spin: I found the manual and updated the post right as you posted. Thanks. I'll read it and re-read it tomorrow and be ready for action when the time comes.....sooner then later hopefully.
Any other tuning tips to offer?

Kamikuza - 29-6-2010 at 11:52 PM

Not me :lol: I'm still getting to grips with the Syn's ... haven't had enough time on them yet to notice the differences in bridle positions etc. I get so excited when I can ride that I don't want to stop, put the kite down and meddle :D maybe in winter :dunno:

PHREERIDER - 30-6-2010 at 06:13 AM

i have ran the loose all three internals for sometime and middle knots front and back.

and eventually added center strap to about 25% in, like KK stated .

are you running NAVI bar + EXT?

Bladerunner - 30-6-2010 at 06:39 AM

Originally posted by PHREERIDER

are you running NAVI bar + EXT?

EXT ????? I thought the Navi bar gets over the need for extenions with the added travel ????? :puzzled:

PHREERIDER - 30-6-2010 at 06:56 AM

the bar set comes with 3m extensions. i added them.

don't know why?? oh i didnt want to loose them !

best for the smaller units 12m/10m slows them down ( a little) with little more workable window size. marginally effective.

Jaymz - 3-7-2010 at 11:22 AM

Kami, Your flying VPC on the middle knot? Mine came with it on the knot closest to the kite (stock?)

Just wrote a review in another thread..

Kamikuza - 3-7-2010 at 06:15 PM

Yeah, all the Synergy's I've flown. Although once I tried the knot in other positions on the 19 but the wind was too light to notice any difference ...