Power Kite Forum

Help with inflating!!!

XdisasterXdrewX - 1-7-2010 at 11:55 AM

So I just got my 9m Griffin in the mail the other day and im just so excited. Ive bought everything that I need and now im just waiting for my lesson on tuesday and then i should be ready to go.

When i first got the kite I inflated it to make sure that everything was working and that there were no holes or anything. Everything was fine and worked well aside from the rope lengths being completely different.

After I was done checking everything out i opened the air valves (or whatever you call them) to let the air out and then stuck the little black tube into the valve the keep the air coming out.

Now every time i try to fill the tubes up they dont hold the air.
As soon as I pull the pump out of the valve all of the air comes out.

For some reason the flap of rubber on the inside is not moving to keep the air from coming out.

What should I do?


borntofli - 1-7-2010 at 12:57 PM

dont you just open the zipper to let the air out??? Sorry, wrong type of kite..LOL

The last pump up kite I had it had an inflate valve and a deflate valve......

I'm not much help, just a smart ass..............

XdisasterXdrewX - 1-7-2010 at 01:01 PM

Originally posted by borntofli
The last pump up kite I had it had an inflate valve and a deflate valve......

The LE does have an inflate and deflate valve but the rest of the tubes dont.
The LE works fine though.

borntofli - 1-7-2010 at 01:04 PM

Check their website for faq's.. Download a manual and maybe the answer is there... I'm sure someone here will have the answer for you shortly.....

Bladerunner - 1-7-2010 at 03:14 PM

Might have to pinch the valve to release the stopper until the pressure is light enough it stays back ?

XdisasterXdrewX - 1-7-2010 at 03:26 PM

too late.
I pushed the valve inside the kite and it somehow ripped it.
F*** my life.

borntofli - 1-7-2010 at 04:03 PM

I have a 10m pulse i'll sell you... No more pump up troubles..... And you dont need help to launch and land............. Sorry it went bad

erratic winds - 1-7-2010 at 04:35 PM

fixmykite.com can sell you a new stick on valve for pretty cheap, I know you aren't rollin in funds

manitoulinkiter1 - 1-7-2010 at 07:45 PM


Depending where you are airtime also has the valves too. The valves themself are about 15 bucks plus shipping. Make sure you don't buy the ones for the orange bladder unless you have an orange bladder, but a stock kite won't.
The old valve will come off with hot water quite easily. Check on youtube for some videos on how to do it. I've done it myself and it's quite easy I managed it first try.

Good luck.

XdisasterXdrewX - 1-7-2010 at 09:02 PM

alright so i found out that I didnt rip it so im good.

@manitoulinkiter1 / erratic winds
Thanks guys. My dad and I are going to look at it tomorrow and see is there is anything that can be done to fix this.

flexiblade - 1-7-2010 at 10:34 PM

Pressure is key when pumping up an LEI. If you don't get enough pressure in the kite the flaps in the valves will not adequately shut. I don't know the poundage but a good rule of thumb is that when your filling it up thump it hard with your finger like your flicking a younger sibling, if you get a good solid echo when you thump the kite and the kite feels pretty stiff (doesn't give when you press it with your finger), then it's good to go. Hope that helps.

Hardrock - 2-7-2010 at 05:00 AM

Originally posted by flexiblade
Pressure is key when pumping up an LEI. If you don't get enough pressure in the kite the flaps in the valves will not adequately shut. I don't know the poundage but a good rule of thumb is that when your filling it up thump it hard with your finger like your flicking a younger sibling, if you get a good solid echo when you thump the kite and the kite feels pretty stiff (doesn't give when you press it with your finger), then it's good to go. Hope that helps.

flicking a younger sibling. ROFLMAO

XdisasterXdrewX - 2-7-2010 at 05:38 AM

Where would I go to find a video like this on youtube?
I dont know what to search lol

manitoulinkiter1 - 2-7-2010 at 08:39 AM


I looked on youtube and can't find the video. I also looked at a couple other sites and couldn,t find it.
There are some on airtimekite.com under the how to.
Basically all you do is remove the bladder enough to get the valve out so you can lay it flat on something hard like a book. Then soak the old valve in a bowl of hot water, I used boiling that I let cool a couple minutes. The old valve will come off quite easily after about 1 or 2 minutes, suprisingly easily.
Once the old valve is off clean around the hole with rubbing alchol until all the old glue is off.
Once your at this point spread the bladder nice and flat, on the book, or something firm with no wrinkles in the bladder with the inflation hole in the center.
At this point the video would help, but I'll try to explain.
Try to find something that will go over the valve stem but sit on the base of the valve.
I used about a 15/16 auto repair socket.
This is to make sure it sticks to the baldder well. After you stick the valve to the bladder you put the socket over the valve and then put a little weight on the socket for 5 or 10 minutes to make sure its on good. A couple medium sized books will do for weight.
Make sure you get the new valve centered over the hole because apparently the airtime valves can't be removed.
After that all you have to do is to re-install the bladder.
If your kite is one pump you will need some small zip ties because you have to dissconect the one pump system to get the bladder out.
The zip ties are to reconnect the one pump.
there are videos on the same site and you tube on how to change the bladder in the kite.
If your anything like me the biggest thing is to go slow and you'll be fine.
I did this once and forgot to close the zipper for the leading edge when I was done. Blew the kite up and POW totally destroyed the leading edge bladder. So go slow and check everything twice putting it back together.
I hope you understand this long and windy explanation.
I will try to find you the video when I have more time later tonight.

Good Luck

WIllardTheGrey - 2-7-2010 at 09:08 AM


Houston AirHead - 2-7-2010 at 10:46 AM

you could always take the valve off and seal it back on with aquaseal.

the stuff works wonders.

XdisasterXdrewX - 3-7-2010 at 07:20 AM

@ flexiblade
Yeah i thought i was going to pop the bladders so i didnt fill them up all the way and thats why is wasnt holding the air.

So that whole time the valves were working right, i wasnt. :tumble:

@WIllardTheGrey / manitoulinkiter1
Thank you so much. The LE bladder has a small opening around the valve so im just gonna replace it.

manitoulinkiter1 - 3-7-2010 at 07:41 AM

Glad to here you have it figured out.

Good luck, have fun

Goz - 6-7-2010 at 03:26 AM

Email chris at griffinkiteboarding.com.au I'm sure he will be able to help you out with any issues you are having with your griffin kite.