Power Kite Forum

Ozone flow-axcess2 bar

glennr - 1-7-2010 at 02:39 PM

hi all
could any body tell me,if i can use the bar and lines off my axcess2,on a flow i am going too buy.also i have a ozone bar not the turbo one the one with the pully on the front lines try too use it on the crossfire 1 i have and the kite would not take off,pulled the front lines to lanch the kite but kite kept falling back,when did get kite in the air there was no steering,so moved the lines up along diffirent knots dat are on each of the back lines but no joy kite kept falling backwards when line were tight and no steering when moved lines too far down back line is this bar no good for the crossfire? :thumbup:
good winds

awindofchange - 1-7-2010 at 05:49 PM

See your first post on this exact same topic, there are some answers there for you.

John Holgate - 13-7-2010 at 06:10 PM

(Can you use the bar of the Access2 for a FB kite?) The short answer is yes, but it will spin and stall like crazy and drive you nuts!! A turbo bar is a MUCH better idea. I tried using my Access XC bar just to see what the results would be. Here's the vid:Depower bar shootout

thanson2001ok - 13-7-2010 at 07:43 PM

Great video. Gotta love the Turbo Bar. I now see how it works Officially on my wish list now.