Power Kite Forum

No snow this time

macboy - 1-7-2010 at 10:56 PM

Second attempt at this whole kiteboarding thing yesterday and had a great evening at it. Properly powered on a V13, got up and running goofy (my regular) and even managed one return switch. A little wobbly on the switch and slow moving but it all starts somewhere, right?

Here's the big WOO HOO from the session though - near the end the wind notched up and I bit off more than I shoulda on the waterstarts twice. Plucked from the deep like a show dolphin going for the massive air to touch the hanging ball. Board? Stuck like glue to the water.

Solution - well I figured I'd see what this whole body dragging thing was all about and darn it all - I got back upwind to my board! (Well, I got back to my board. Upwind/downwind.....who really knows. I know the board was drifting the same direction as me.)

Anyway - happy to have tried and succeeded (didn't want to buy a new board ; ) Sucks that I had to do it twice but hey - it won't be the last time.

Kamikuza - 1-7-2010 at 11:08 PM

Good for you! :thumbup: yep, you gotta start somewhere ... and the more you do it, the easier it gets!

Getting lobbed downwind is all fun and games - so long as it's into the water :lol:
I think it usually means you've dived the kite right into the powerzone & too low or are trying to direct the board too far downwind ... when I realize I've done that, I push my leading leg out a lot and drop my bum down as much as I can - you shoot off at retarded-fast speed but don't get catapulted so you get onto the edge and ride it out ... usually :lol: You'll get the finesse down pretty quick though!

Body dragging - super important skill IMHO. Get used to it PDQ and you won't think twice about fetching boards :yes:
Be gentle with the kite, especially when moving it up to or past the zenith - you don't want to waste all your hardwork by having it drag you off down wind ... although zooming the kite up and sheeting in is great fun :D