Power Kite Forum

Arc to self salvage a dismasted sail boat and get it home

adjuvantjfoster - 3-7-2010 at 03:51 PM

For a single handed sailor, far from home and dismasted after being swept by a breaking wave, the usual outcome is to be rescued from, and abandoning, the disabled boat.

The auto zenith, self parking, attributes of an Arc suggest to me that it would be possible for a single hander to attach the harness to a pad eye on the deck of the boat, and slowly, pull the boat to some port or other, with sleep and eating happening while the kite is parked.

I also realize that water launching, from the deck of a small sail boat is not a trivial exercise, and might require a long learning curve of practice beforehand. What do the kite cat guys like Todd, and others, think about water launch from a small boat?

Arc to self salvage a dismasted sail boat and get it home

adjuvantjfoster - 3-7-2010 at 08:19 PM

zerogee suggested the use of a 4-Line Variable Kite Controller for Power Kites from www.kitecontrolsystems.com/inventions.html.

These never were popular for kiteboarding because they were thought to be too bulky and heavy. However, my bet is they would be brilliant for launching a Peter Lynn Arc from the deck of a disabled sail boat on the ocean.

Any experience with this combination for kiteboating?

Bladerunner - 4-7-2010 at 08:34 AM

Check out the Turbo Launcher.

adjuvantjfoster - 4-7-2010 at 08:43 PM

Thanks Bladerunner
Looks like either the turbo launcher or the 4 line reel controller would allow a drift launch from a boat. Given that the bar would be attached to a pad eye on the boat rather than the guy flying it, and given the importance of good auto zenith stability during breaks for food and sleep, what kite would you select?

zero gee - 5-7-2010 at 07:46 PM

check this winder /launcher from Hardrock might interest you... http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=14383

Hardrock - 5-7-2010 at 08:25 PM

Thanks zero gee, I was just reading down the post and was going to mention that.

It needs some refining but just maybe what your looking for. Bearings would be a big plus, but as you said I also think it would take some practice. I would bet the kitesurfers that water relaunch Arcs often could pull it off with no problem.

My plan is to launch from on the boat, have a clip tied to a cleat, and clip onto the chicken loop while the kite makes its way overhead, then you can do about anything with it.

The guys I've seen on kite cats and such,usually launch then get on the craft.

If you come across anything new, I'd be interested in it also.

Todd - 6-7-2010 at 11:15 AM

After what happened to us on Sunday leaves me wondering about the ability to drift launch an ARC from a boat. My son and I had the cat out and I lost control of the kite, kite of course now in the water. The problem we experienced was the cat was drifting faster than the kite so in turn no re-launch. I'm now looking into a collapsible sea anchor that would slow us down enough for the kite to do its thing. A LEI in my opinion would be superior in the drift launch but you would lose the auto zenith.

Hardrock - 6-7-2010 at 11:32 AM

Had the same problem with a kayak and kite, couldn't get the lines tight and they kept handing on everything as the boat was drifting towards it.

I'm thinking of picking up one myself just to keep the boat pointed the right direction if need be. West Marine and Ebay had a few. Drogue is what its called I believe. The actual collapsible sea anchor is pretty large and way to pricey.

Could probably make a chute that would work as good.

Todd - 6-7-2010 at 12:20 PM

That gives me an idea... I have a couple of these.

Gomberg Bols

Designed for wind but the question is would it work also in water.

I would really like more information about this little item that Peter Lynn was working on.

Hardrock - 16-7-2010 at 09:21 AM

WOW,,Todd, where did you find that? I would love to get my hands on that too or learn more about it.

It appears to be for letting the kite out without getting it wet then flying it still attached to this thing. I think the thats a clutch on the left. But if it were to launch the kite up, the spars would be too close to each other at the start.

Maybe with a 5th line spool for an Arc on the left. A lock down device handle on the upper right.

Swings left and right, also moves forward and rear. All stainless, bet it had some weight to it. Seems he started with a plan, then added to it as he went to correct the problems that were encountered along the way.

My vision had a 5th line on a separate spool, just to flag the kite if things weren't going correctly, once deployed the 5th line would fall free. The main lines would be tight and rear lines loose as it launched. Needed a breaking device to slow the launch, like a break on a ATB. ( which I am looking for if any are laying in a scrap pile,, guys)

I do think what I have in mind will work, its just getting the materials and time. A failed project made from stainless or aluminum would cost more than I care to find out. 2" PVC might have the strength I need as I'm just launching with it.

That big sea anchor kite looking thing would work but I would think its too big if the one's you have are not that big then maybe.

On your boat you could have it ready to unsnap and toss overboard the second the kite hits the water. For me to use a sea anchor I would have to deploy it from the front for launch, then the assistant would have a hard time retrieving it to come get me. Its just a pain climbing on front of the boat and easy to fall in the lake with waves and such.

In your case for relaunch, how about quick disconnections for your bar, jump in the water and relaunch? would you ever get back to the boat? Hmmm, maybe not an option.

If you try a sea anchor, let me know how it goes.

Todd - 16-7-2010 at 10:53 AM

From this page Peter Lynn himself


http://www.lynnkitesailing.co.nz/history.html a bunch of Peter Lynn history of the kite Cat

If you thought the one above is big and bulky get a load of this!

Check his Youtube and watch them all, pretty cool stuff

HUGE thread on kite assisted boats found in this Link

Let us not forget brave Anne Quemere

You're on the right track will having the spars together i.e. the SLARC (single line ARC) I'm currently working on one very much similar to yours. The plan right now is for the sea anchor and I hope it works because I foresee me jumping in the water for a re-launch :shocked2:

indigo_wolf - 16-7-2010 at 11:35 AM

I take it you have already read this .... possibly several times, but now. ;)


Todd - 16-7-2010 at 12:13 PM

Got a copy under my pillow for my brain to absorb :smilegrin:

WIllardTheGrey - 16-7-2010 at 03:24 PM

I remembered posting this some time ago looks like they still have em in stock.
Tenth item down
A cheep try for a small sea anchor.

Originally posted by WIllardTheGrey
Bored browsing, American science & surplus. I thought it was funny.


Very cool absolutely useless kite-like thing consisting of a central 19" dia disc and (2) 9 ft. "tails" one emerging from each side of the central disc. The disc is actually a metal hoop. It is covered with a very light, strong non-woven fibrous material that is translucent and extremely porous, allowing water to pass right through it. The tails are made of this same material. We have been told it is some kind of drogue for a chute used with a depth charge. We are also told it was used under water. We surmise it is an underwater drogue used to deploy a detector antenna. But it may just be a toy for Merkids. We think you will find it amusing, and may wish to chop it up and use the cool fabric in your own construction. White or olive drab, our choice.

best part thay only want $0.95 each:rolleyes:.