Power Kite Forum

Waves, wind but a wash-out

Kamikuza - 10-7-2010 at 05:58 AM

Today, I had my first time out on the ocean with waves involved - 6 foot breakers to get through! The waves braking on the shore were waist high, but the next two rows were well over my head ...! In the past, I've been lucky enough to kite on salty water with lagoons and stuff next to the shore ...

Wind was almost enough ... a lot of working the Speed and a lot of water-starts that seemed promising then a lot of nothing happening then a lot of walking - and I mean A LOT :( according to the car's GPS I walked the 2km downwind about 3 times ...!

Got a few powered runs in but the wind was laughing at me!
Some upwind riding but a lot of waves washing over the tip of my board and sinking it then me or a wave washing into the back of my knee and knocking me down ... everyone else was on surfboards or directionals and I can see why ...
Tried a couple jumps up and over a wave like borntofli seems to be doing but I couldn't land them and lost the board badly - it went shooting away on the tide so I gave up that idea and tried to concentrate on going upwind.

Should have brought my Square One with me ... I missed it's floatiness - the Door sinks a lot :lol: and whoever said "Oh the ocean is so much easier" was a liar - I love my lake!
But man is the Door a smooth ride! Something about it feels wrong on my feet though ... too comfortable I guess!!!

Still ... it's play in the surf, walk up and down the beach a bit, a little flying or stay home and listen to the neighbors brats scream at each other while I wrestle with video editing software ... I'd rather be here ;)

Hardrock - 10-7-2010 at 06:23 AM

I watched a DVD last night called Real Surf: Kiteboarding

There was a whole segment on white water and getting thru the surf.

I would have never thought there would be a difference in how you ride in the bubbly.

borntofli - 10-7-2010 at 07:52 AM

My spleene door shaped board is a #@%$#! in the waves too... I kept catching the front tip in the waves...switched to my more rocker sx and up and over waves is no problem.....

AD72 - 10-7-2010 at 08:55 AM

The Door is made for flat water. I have a 41 Session and did the same thing a week ago catching the tip on a wave and loosing it. Yesterday I had a lesson and rode an Underground Future 146x44. It is longer than the Spleen but has more rocker and taper in the tips. It worked perfect! I was able to go over waves and finally go upwind and make a turn without sinking first.
It is best to see what other kiters are successfully riding at your particular location and ask advise.

Kamikuza - 11-7-2010 at 06:05 AM

That all explains a lot :lol: thanks all!

Kamikuza - 15-7-2010 at 04:16 AM

And now ... the video! I'm sure the camera-woman was drunk eh ...! And otherwise, forgive the crap kiteboarding ... I don't think I'll post another video unless there's a lot more awesome in it :lol:

McDuck - 16-7-2010 at 04:25 PM

good stuff. Like they say, a bad day kiting is better than a good day at work. :D

highazakite - 16-7-2010 at 06:50 PM

lol buy her a tri pod with a handle and tell her to zoom in short spurts....