Power Kite Forum

I can turn around more betterer now......lol

borntofli - 14-7-2010 at 06:21 PM

Was out again today, imagine that...Winds and seas have settled down a little... Wind 15-20 30 degrees cross shore, I'm on my trusty pulse 12....

On my out to sea runs I have a bit of trouble timing my turns in between the waves.... On the shoreline run the turns are much easier in the flat 6" water...

In the waves is it easier to turn on the face of a wave or the back of a wave... I had some success w/ both but I think it was just luck....

When I could make a few turns in a row, I was making headway upwind.

And as usual only kiter out.....

Kamikuza - 14-7-2010 at 08:25 PM

Sweet! Now get some video of it :D

tridude - 15-7-2010 at 03:45 AM

nice......................and it only gets better.......glad to hear your diggin the 12m

PHREERIDER - 15-7-2010 at 05:31 AM

keep at it! once you get past the 40-60 hour mark things really smooth out.

the waves, swell, tides and current are always bringing different looks and feel to a session. some conditions will be great, others will humble you and some punish you.

try to realize growth comes from all

BTW really shallow water and injury are good friends ...go past the break and work out the transitions on top.