Power Kite Forum

Confessions..... Best day yet !!

borntofli - 19-7-2010 at 06:34 PM

Winds were 15mph when I left home for the beach...
Almost straight onshore. Put the 12 pulse up and made some runs back and forth, showing off my new turning ability.. But not making any ground upwind.. Shore kept greeting me eventually..

Came in for a beer and to assess the situation...Checked the wind on my phone and it said 11 kts... Try the speed 17...

Launched it and away I go.... Back and forth and hey, i'm not running into the shore.... My progress was hindered by some fisherman w/ their poles way out in the water..

feels like the wind is picking up a little, and I seem to be gaining more ground out to sea.. Got out into the clean swell away from shore, WOW, this is like flatwater.... First time I've made it out past the steep breaking shore waves...

The speed is like a tractor, once its moving it doesn't lose power no matter what you do....

Did something wrong and wiped out and board was quite a ways up wind of me.... My first "have to" body drag upwind to get my board.... In deep water w/ sharks cruising by ready to eat me... Easy peasy ...

I did get to make a couple runs past the fishermen, got out far enough not to get "caught" by their lines....

My turns aren't pretty, I still tend to have too much pressure on the front foot and catch the nose now and then... I'm sure there's a bunch of other things, but one step at a time...

I am truly having a blast out there and hope the wind blows tomorrow .........

arkay - 19-7-2010 at 07:00 PM

Sweets! Glad to hear you had a blast! What freaks me is when the board is up wind and down current :/

Kamikuza - 20-7-2010 at 04:48 PM

When the Speed gets going there's just no stopping it! We haven't had wind over 10 knots for bloody weeks though :(

PHREERIDER - 21-7-2010 at 07:06 AM

when the fishermen come to the beach, the garbagemen of the ocean come up to see whats being tossed in, mainly small sharks, skate and rays.

crowd of people at the beach complete with family play in the waves ..and fishing ! i will never understand this...plus most don;t even know what to do with the catch.

keep at it stay away from the phisherman!

tridude - 21-7-2010 at 07:20 AM

nicely done on the P2 and SA..............................so what happens when they hit the water?:lol::lol::duh::duh:

borntofli - 21-7-2010 at 10:51 AM

The 12 goes in the water now and then, but it just pops right back into the air... Havnt dunked the sa yet, but I occasionally hit the tip on the water but that doesn't even phase it.

I only go out as far as I can swim.........