Power Kite Forum

WTH? Does NOBODY know the safety rules?

Kamikuza - 22-7-2010 at 05:46 PM

Went to the lake yesterday, to have a little tu-tu with the Scorpion for a change ...

Initially it was me, a couple of windsurfers (why aren't they at their own beach just 50m past the trees down there?!?) and a pair of learners. One guy, we'll call him Jackass, had all the flash gear - rash gaurd, boardshorts, Oakley sunnies and was spouting off to his buddy (we'll call him Buddy-of-jackass) about the wind window and the power zone blah blah blah.

I was a bit distressed to see that the reeds that had washed up over the past few weeks had been raked into little piles then set alight to burn off ...! Keep that in mind.

Anyway, the wind picks up and I pack up the Scorpion and pull out the Speed and get in the water ...

Some time later ...

Jackass is finally in the water with kite and board. Has very poor kite skills IMO so when I'm going downwind I just avoid him like the plague.

I'm walking back upwind, the wind is cross-onshore and my kite is low over the beach. Just as I get to where Jackass is, he decided to head back to shore and starts flying the kite around. I'm downwind of him still so I stop and park a wing tip on the beach.

All he has to do is bring his kite up to 12 so I can walk downwind past him but no, he sends it through the power zone! Now his lines are above mine and - the genius lets the bar go! So his kite turns back into the power zone and he gets dragged out of the water, over the beach, into my lines and through one of the fires! As soon as he let go I started yelling "SAFETY! SAFETY RELEASE!" at him but he didn't, of course.

So he's being dragged over and through my lines and they're tangled around him so I pop MY safety and my Speed drops ... but now his bar is wrapped around mine and the Speed is not flagging properly! Miyachi arrives and get it under control, I recover my bar and keep the Speed on the ground while things get untangled.

Jackass is wasting time apologizing for what he doesn't know so I ignore him and concentrate on getting my kite out of the weeds and nasty crap it's sitting in.

Meanwhile, Buddy-of-Jackass has been flying his trainer just to our left. Well, he drops that on top of my port control lines and the kite wraps around both brake and power!!! I'm trying to keep the kite stable on the ground but it's off-angle to the wind and wants to shift around ... and get this - Buddy is slowly walking down his lines, with one in each hand, keeping them all nice and tidy! I growl at him to get that damned thing off my lines and he finally clicked and unwrapped the kite.

Everything worked out fine but there was a whole lot of unnecessary danger there.

Even on the water, the riders seem to have no clue about the rules or code or whatever you want to call it ... I'm downwind so I lower my kite so someone can pass upwind but they don't raise their kite - they fly it just above my lines :shocked2: and I'm sure they don't know a starboard tack from port, don't give way to those entering the water and keep doing tricks that they stack up 10 feet from the shore and block the beach with kites they can't relaunch!!!


I'm done :lol:

awindofchange - 22-7-2010 at 06:12 PM

It is unfortunate that you have to deal with so many idiots around you. It can be frustrating for sure, not to mention dangerous to them and to you.

Perhaps this is an opportunity to band everyone together and discuss the proper rules. Maybe forming a small club that helps others as well as stresses the importance of safety. Maybe something as simple as putting together a paper or bunch of papers that you can hand to the others around that talk about the safety issues as far as where to place your kite when passing or how to approach the beach or right of way on the water. Sometimes they are not necessarily being rude but more than likely just ignorant to the proper and safe way of doing things. If passed around with a good and helpful attitude to everyone, it may convert them over to help with your cause, even stressing the factors of safety to others when you aren't there.

I would hope that they would be appreciative of it or at least take it for the value that it is......................but the small part of me inside fears that it could fall on deaf ears. If you can help one or two people out of the masses and if they could in turn help two others, eventually everyone will be more educated on the proper and safe way to enjoy the sport and it will make it better for everyone.

Anyways, that's my "glass half full" take on this. It is a wonder that you, them or the kites were not damaged or destroyed. Be safe and good luck!!!

shaggs2riches - 22-7-2010 at 06:14 PM

Dude I feel your pain. Definitely worried bout riding with others as I don't want to be "THAT GUY". Plus I don't want to deal with others thinking they own the place. Maybe its some weird claustrophobia being from the open prairies, but I really really enjoy having all my own space with nobody to infringe on it. Kudos to you for not beating someone by now :ninja:

Kamikuza - 22-7-2010 at 07:21 PM

I think the glass is empty, Angus :( one of the guys rides his kite with helmet and impact vest, then packs up and jumps on his motorbike in shirt and shorts - and no helmet. The roads here are no better - I know there's rules cos I've got the book on my shelf, but the "Me first! You don't exist unless I look at you and acknowledge your presence!" attitude is just as prevalent on the road as it is on the water!

Like the jet-ski users (the Harleys of the water!) who have to get a license and pass a test, people probably know the safety rules or the water code ... but choose to ignore it cos it's inconvenient to them for a few seconds :rolleyes:

arkay - 22-7-2010 at 11:09 PM

not cool.

Hardrock - 22-7-2010 at 11:27 PM

Kent has a good idea. Just work with em. But it sounds like it may take a while. It was a funny as hell read tho. :lol::lol:

Why did you say jet ski users? I have one thousand story's about some dumb A jet ski users. From the boat ramp to the Dam, encounter the most ridicules stupid crap you have ever seen.

I'll tell one that happen a few years ago. It was around 8am. A friend and I was already on the lake having a few cold ones. We had got off the night shift and went on to the lake. So it wasn't like early morning brew.

Well we had to pick up another friend at the ramp so I decided to hammer down and get on back.

At that hour, one big empty lake, no one around except 2 jet ski's. I was running 68mph right down the center as the 2 came from a cove and headed in the same direction but out in front.

So this lady started slowly easing over in my path but still a safe distance, I stood up and thought WTF is she about to do. Suddenly she swerves right across the path I'm on, never looks back.

I slammed the throttle back out of gear, the engine stalls, the power steering locks and the lady's back went under the bow of my boat with the nose missing her head about an inch.

Guess what, she never knew I was there, never looked back or anything. Who would have went to jail? Me, cause I had a couple cold one's.

I seen them later that day and the guy with her pointed my direction, she turned around and gave me a look that could stop a clock like I had done something wrong. It happens all the time, they zig zag all across the lake and pay no attention to whats coming.

It even gets better at night.

Kamikuza - 23-7-2010 at 06:41 AM

Today, a windsurfer cut through downwind of a kiteboarder and got wrapped up in the lines - the kite was spiral o' deathing downwind with the board tangled up in the mast ...!

The lake is 15km wide ... imagine driving down a road 15km wide and running headfirst into the only other car on the road :lol:

thanson2001ok - 23-7-2010 at 08:23 AM

Great stories, fortunately with happy endings. That's not always the case, eh?

What they do not teach in school is how to develop a sense of awareness that keeps us all in tune, and safe, and allows us to be courteous. It reminds me how important it is to teach this skill to my kids 7, 10 and 14. One place to start is at the field where we fly foils. Had the Sting, DP Trainer, 8.5m Blade and a 12m LEI all flying at one time last weekend with 2 adults and 6 kids. So far, so good. No stupid moves, no big messes and nobody hurt... because of awareness.

We didn't have any fires to look out for though like Kami.:lol:

BeamerBob - 23-7-2010 at 08:54 AM

I've always been impressed with both the Sofka guys on the SE coast as well as our crew at the sod farm here in NorCal. Everyone is more concerned about the other guy than themselves as well as being aware of the other guy and what he needs. I've been really lucky to have such conscientious fliers to share the field or beach with. Even at NABX with all the buggies and land sailors running in almost every direction, everyone does the right thing so we all get along.

indigo_wolf - 23-7-2010 at 09:11 AM

Kudos on keeping your cool even though it was quite obvious you were seething.

Good thoughts from Kent, even though it's obviously a harder road to walk.

I must admit part way through reading your post, my thoughts did wander to.... "A flare gun can also be a premptive safety device."

I fear some remedial social skills development and possibly therapy are needed on my part. :rolleyes: :embarrased:


Bladerunner - 23-7-2010 at 09:32 AM

People won't take lessons and we have to learn how to deal with them ?

It is all that important stuff about sailing / safety and self rescue that the people who bypass lessons are missing.

Txshooter38 - 23-7-2010 at 03:50 PM

Some sad stories....I could write volumes on stupid drivers and motorcycle riders. Maybe kite vendors should require a 5th grade achievement test prior to purchase to make sure the buyer knows there left from right and the head from their (fill in blank).

I'm with shaggs on the whole "like the place to myself" thing.....not everyone has that luxury though. Right now I am the only person in town that flies so it is always blue skies to me....

Kamikuza - 24-7-2010 at 04:45 AM

Today ...

I got a real close look at a Zephyr when I dropped nearly right on my head when I was setting up my Synergy. The Master of Disaster cut too close to someone downwind of him and ran his lines right through theirs. He's done it to me too.

He is one of the cadre who like to come right into shore and pull tricks ... usually wiping out and dumping their kite at the edge of the water. My guess is cos they can't relaunch worth a damn :lol:

Then, despite me not asking for it, someone tried to help me land my Synergy by grabbing the downwind wing tip in spite of me screaming at him. It was bowtie-ing and all that but I had it under control - I was about to pop the safety to land it but he was rushed downwind of the kite and grabbed on :rolleyes: retards!

I might have to give up on foils not because I'm a danger to myself but cos everyone else is a danger to me ...!!!

Oh yeah and ... after what only felt like 30 minutes of riding today, everybody got the #@%$#! off the water when a thunderstorm came through ... except Grandpa who figured he'd be ok - took some harsh words by a bunch of others to get him off the water. :o:puzzled:

erratic winds - 24-7-2010 at 08:07 AM

Kami: I still can't quite picture these guys in my head. Are they expats or are they natives? Tourists that now reside there? It's so sad that we all often run into people who really want to help but just can't because of a knowledge difference.

Kamikuza - 24-7-2010 at 08:28 AM

Locals, everyone but I. Ages range from the Asian champ (high school student) to grandpa and a few middle-aged women and then a bunch of guys in between. Mostly old enough to know better IMHO but who am I to talk - launched my Synergy with the deflate zipper open :D

Kamikuza - 25-7-2010 at 04:05 AM

Epic session today!

And now for the dumbasses ... in the time I was at 'our' spot - from about 3:30pm till dark ...
4 different jetskis went RIGHT THROUGH the no jet-ski/powerboat zone, one weaving in and out of kitesurfers.
Lil' Grom charged around like a bull in a china shop - I, on a starboard tack AND leaving the beach, had to dunk my bum so I would wrap him in my kite.
Ms. Pink Pants turned into me THREE TIMES without looking behind her first - lucky for her, I was watching her and got out of her way.
A powerboat went straight through kitesurfing line up.
And to crown it all, a paraglider buzzed the beach just above the trees - about 20m up ...!


tridude - 25-7-2010 at 05:34 AM


we need to send you a box of Darwin Awards..................................."nan desu ka/baka desu ne"

BigMikesKites - 25-7-2010 at 06:35 AM

People are idiots,

The other day I was flying my Reactor 5.5m low and in the zone and out of nowhere a kid under 4 comes running right underneath the kite, so I take it to 12 and look around. Standing way to the side just watching with a smile on his face is dad hanging onto a stroller.

Really Dad, did you let your kid out of the stoller so he could go play with the kite? They really need people to get a license to be a parent, because this procreate thing on your own isn't always working here.

I think your jackass friend had a dad like this.

Kamikuza - 25-7-2010 at 06:36 AM

Aho darake :lol:
Ms. Pink Pants regularly #@%$#!s me off - she's another ride right into shore, throw a trick, fall, can't launch kite, kite floats on the shore for 15 minutes while she dicks with meaning my walk of shame is interrupted :lol:

tridude - 25-7-2010 at 07:41 AM

once you're staying upwind your problems will cease well until they learn to go upwind...................................

Hardrock - 25-7-2010 at 08:27 AM

I almost became a idiot last night, was soooo close.

The kids were fishing from the bank, I was kicked back on the boat under the bright moon. From nowhere the wind blew in about 10mph steady and kept coming like coastal wind.

Had the 19m and the hydra in the boat. Was late after midnight, perfect moon, perfect wind. Still see boat pass by every now and then.

I wanted to get out on the water so bad, finally took the Hydra out and after much effort getting the lines from the brush on the small land point, got a launch. Flew there for a while and almost took to the water for some dragging.

Not long after I decided not to get in, a bass boat came screaming by in the moon light. Glad I wasn't out there but it was so tempting I could barley stand it.

Katya Red Sea - 8-8-2010 at 12:14 AM

i hope those who had no chance/desire to take proper kiteboarding lessons, will spend 5 minutes reading the general RIGHT WAY OF RULES* - logical and easy to apply at any spot:

Respecting a few priority rules helps prevent accidents on the beach and on the water. Make sure you and your fellow riders understand them.
The outgoing rider has right of way over the incoming rider: the wind is sometimes gusty on land. The rider who is on the beach is the one more at risk, so he has the priority.
When two riders converge: the rider going starboard (kite right-hand side) has right of way and the rider going port tack (kite left-hand side) must give right of way and pass downwind with his kite as low as possible. There is no particular reason for this rule, but it is already applied in all other sports and nautical activities.
The rider going faster than another in the same direction must give way to the slowest rider: the one going faster is the one who has a global vision of the situation since he arrives from behind.
The rider passing upwind (windward) from another kiteboarder must fly his kite overhead: the kiteboarder downwind (leeward) must pilot his kite as low as possible.
The rider surfing a wave has the right of way over the one who is jumping or going in the opposite direction: when surfing a wave, the kite is less easy to pilot so there is less room for maneuvers. Nevertheless, the rule for the outgoing rider is applicable when the waves are close to the shore (shore break). In this case, the rider who is surfing will have to give way to the rider who is going out.
Right of way must be given to other ocean users: kiteboarding is the latest nautical sport. Kiteboard downwind to them.
A rider must have a clear safety zone of 50m downwind because he moves downwind when he jumps: a rider must have a clear safety zone of 30m upwind to jump because the lines could touch the kite of the lines of another rider kiteboarding close by.
International rules apply between kiteboarders and other water users, unless defined differently by local county or government.
*from http://www.colonawatersports.com/hurghada/hurghada.html