Power Kite Forum


Kamikuza - 1-8-2010 at 05:18 PM

Went down the lake yesterday ... didn't think it was possible to have ABSOLUTELY no wind, but there was. Or wasn't, if you see what I mean.

Sat under a tree for a while, went for a swim and sat under the tree some more.

Finally, the wind picked up and people started hitting the water. I pulled out my anemometer; although the lake still looked pretty smooth and there were no white-caps, we were getting an honest 12 knots, so I thought - why the hell not?

Launched the kite, grabbed the board and away! For probably 20 minutes the wind was in 12-15 knots range and the water was super-smooth! Magic riding time!

Had a good hour or more then the wind died off and I had to slog back to the beach, then body drag upwind to miss riding into a wall thing ... landed and waited for the wind to pick up. It didn't pick up over 8-12 knots and although the locals were riding, I called it a night.

Great session!

PS. talking to one of my more sensible kite buddies, he informs me that because there are no IKO approved schools in Japan (not correct) then the international sailing/water rules don't apply :ticking: and it may be chaos here, but at least people are polite ...! So, much like the roads then huh?

borntofli - 1-8-2010 at 06:12 PM

Sounds like you need to kite like you drive.... Everyman for himself----

Don't let the bas tards wear you down....