Power Kite Forum

Help with taking off the valve and putting on a new one!

XdisasterXdrewX - 8-8-2010 at 01:42 PM

Just a few days ago i was at my lesson and everything was going great until i tried to fill my kite up.
We filled the LE bladder and closed the valve but then we heard a very high pitched noise and we knew it was air coming out.
So i showed them where the valve was and they said they weren't sure how to get it off because it looks a little different than what they are used to.

I've tried hot water but haven't had any luck. I don't know if the water wasn't hot enough or what but it wouldn't budge.

They said i could but the whole thing out and buy a new one but the problem is that they didn't know if they made a U-stick valve that would be big enough to cover the hole.

Is there anyway that you could think of to get it off?
Its almost like there is a patch over the valve but all the bladders are like this.

I think this is where the hole is at

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