Power Kite Forum

1st time kiting w/ dolphins....

borntofli - 8-8-2010 at 06:23 PM

Worked my way out to the cleaner swell today and there was a herd of dolphins swimming about... They were going back and forth, surfing inside the waves and didn't seem to mind me skittering across the top of them...I stayed w/ them for about 10 minutes then they disapeared....

It looked like about 4 or 5 of them.... I've seen them out surfing but my first time kiting..

I don't want to see that other toothy critter that swims out there......

and of course, only kiter out

mdntdncr - 8-8-2010 at 06:26 PM

ack . . . ..

color me green . . .

Houston AirHead - 8-8-2010 at 08:39 PM

sweet born, i bet the water is pretty nice down there in aransas compared to galveston.
i rode the levee today. i was suprised though because i was on my 12m havoc riding a 140 board and i could still go up wind Winds were only 13-14.

you should get a go pro i wanna see some aransas footage

PHREERIDER - 9-8-2010 at 05:06 AM

wait til you see a couple feeding frenzies

by gulls, pelicans, dolphin, stingrays and sharks ... what ever, keep going ! because it only is alarms the rest of the ocean, birds are kinda cool , like 30 pelicans hammering into a huge school in like 10 secs. but a boiling shark feast no thank you