powerkiter82 - 10-8-2010 at 06:45 AM
How do you include pictures in a posting? I don't have any type of account at a photo storage site or Facebook or anything like that.
indigo_wolf - 10-8-2010 at 06:52 AM
Either post to the Gallery or use something like www.tinypic.com which doesn't require registration or any setup. You could do attachments, but those are only one pic a post and limited size.
Jovver - 10-8-2010 at 08:11 AM
Embedding images and videos in a post is very easy to do, and because I have some free time, I will write up a nice little "how to" for all of those
who just simply don't know what to do.
Firstly, the easiest way to upload images (and to get more than one picture in a post) is to use an image hosting website like Photobucket,
ImageShack, etc. Secondly, if you don't remember the codes to imbed images or videos off the top of your head, it is much easier to hit the "Post
Reply" on the bottom right hand corner of the last post in the thread. Using "Quick Reply" will not be as easy because you will have to remember the
Post Reply Image:
When you hit the post reply button, you will be taken to a screen that looks like this:
Remember, if you can't see the images because they are too small, you can right click on the image and hit "View Image". PKF automatically resizes
larger images in posts.
Here is where you can select what to include in the thread (Your text repsonse, videos, images, links, etc)
To include an image, hit the 7th button from the left in the string of buttons to insert media. The button has a light yellow mountain scene with a
small arrow pointing to it in the top left corner of the button. The image button is immediately to the left of the # button. The quote button is
what you would use to quote info from a previous post.
When you hit any of these buttons a window will pop up. For images, the window looks like this:
When this window pops up, you simply copy/ paste your image link (from your image hosting website) and click "OK"
Your image code will appear in the text box like this:
Now you can add text before and after the code for the image and continue to add quotes, videos, etc.
For a Youtube video, it will ask you to insert the video ID. The video ID is the string of numbers/ letters after the last equal sign in the video
When adding an image that is on your external hard drive, computer, flash drive, etc. and you do not want to use an image hosting website, you can use
the attachment section below the text box. Hit "Browse" and point to the location of your image. You can only upload 1 image per post using the
browse file location method.
When you are done writing your review or post, and have included all the links that you wish to, hit "Post Reply" just below the Attachment section
and before the "Topic Review" section. You can always edit your post to remove, or add more links and text at a later time.
Think that was fun? You can also use those same codes to add a picture signature when editing your profile. Copy past the code and put it into your
profile in your "User Control Panel" This is how I am able to put links in my signatures to the different reviews I have posted.
WIllardTheGrey - 10-8-2010 at 11:24 AM
Here's another tutorial that I wrote up a while ago.
Embedding Links, Pictures, and YouTube Videos in your posts.
revpaul - 10-8-2010 at 11:26 AM
ok cool, now how do i save/mark this post so i can use it every so often?
WIllardTheGrey - 10-8-2010 at 11:33 AM
Ctrl+D too bookmark a page with most browsers.
revpaul - 10-8-2010 at 02:20 PM
thnx WTG
powerkiter82 - 11-8-2010 at 12:21 PM
Thanks guys, you have been very helpful.