Originally posted by awindofchange
The Symphony kites are ok kites but nothing compared to the others you have listed. IMO, the HQ, Peter Lynn and Ozone kites are what I consider
"Professional Power Kites" designed specifically for the traction sports such as buggying and boarding. The Symphony series is what I would consider
"Recreational Power Kites" designed for fun flying on the beach or for someone who wants an easy to fly kite with a bit more power than a stunt kite.
This is not to say that the 2.5 will not be able to pull you in a buggy or on a board, but comparing the Symphony 2.5 to an Ozone Flow 3.0 would be
like comparing a F1 Ferrari to a Chevy Camaro. The Camaro is pretty nice, but it doesn't have near the performance as the F1 and just doesn't really
Like everything else in life, you pretty much get what you pay for. If you find a kite that is super cheap...well, that should put a couple red flags
up saying something is wrong....especially when everyone else is paying twice as much for their kites. We don't pay the extra costs because we have
rich oil executives as relatives. We spend the extra for our kites because the cheap ones just aren't worth it and in the long ones, the more
expensive (nicer) kites are less of an overall expense than the multiple of cheap ones that you eventually end up wasting your money on. Believe me
(and many others on here will agree) you will eventually end up buying a good kite and then dumping your cheap ones at a loss to replace them all
with good quality ones. Save yourself some money and headaches and just get a good quality kite from the start.
All of the ones you listed previously - HQ Beamer, Scout, Peter Lynn Hornet, Twister II, Ozone Flow - are excellent good quality kites that you can
learn on and keep in your quiver for as long as you want. You won't really outgrow them as they are all professionally designed power kites that work
for our sport.
Hope this helps. |