Power Kite Forum

Confessions....Best wave session yet

borntofli - 22-8-2010 at 06:15 PM

Winds 15 kts 15-20 degrees from onshore...
Pulse 12, made some adjustments.. Replaced the pulley lines, they were frayed.. Launch, land , adjust. Launch, land , adjust....Also replaced my doubled up chicken loop line to a single.. Turning and sheeting it would stick.... Smooth now. I'll have to replace them more, but who cares......

I think my day w/ the syn 10 really helped my kite flying... Work that kite, fly it like you hate it.....

Whitewater on the inside up to head high out farther... Was really attacking the waves, using them for ramps which made for some spectacular wipeouts.....By being more aggressive i found you can recover from mistakes easier...

Once I got out to the head high waves it gets a bit hairier..It's fine if you can get over it, or turn around real quick if you dont think you can make it over....

Brian's rules.....

Rule #1.... Don't dump the kite......

Rule #2... Get to your board...

I've gotten pretty good at body dragging so no problems....

Kite did hit the water once, but by the time I came back up I gave the bar a tug and up it went.....I think the kite is allergic to water.....Must be the seal n glide....

Gotta make upwind progress on the way out, coming in sliding down wave faces and trying not to get sideswiped by a wave really eats up ground (water)....

Sure different being on a workable kite rather than the speed 17.. Not complaining about it, it gets me out when no others are....

But then........

Today, only kiter out...........................................

the guy at the local kite shop was saying what a rotten summer its been.. I told him i've been out at least 5 times a week all summer, he mumbled an expletive and took my money......

New (to me) kite coming this week:wee:

PHREERIDER - 23-8-2010 at 07:09 AM

quick kite, aggressive flying ..

commit to the flow , brace for speed OR flight.

when all combined you can blow through mistakes and make up for SOME hesitation, not all.