Power Kite Forum

Got my new kite and i'm cheesed !!!!

borntofli - 23-8-2010 at 04:58 PM

Friggin blow up kites..... The sob leaks................How do I find the leak?? I sprayed soapy water on the valves and pinched off the struts... Its not in the struts.....

I was so mad I didn't even stretch out one of my none pump kites and go for a ride.......

The good news is I launched it myself easily, and in the 2 minutes I had it up before it bent in the middle, I realized it had plenty of power in 13-14 mph winds for me on the water....

I didn't land it myself, there were a couple guys pestering me so I had one of them catch it....

Since I'm ranting, I hate below the bar trim... So hard to work and inconvenient...I need to modify a bar to my liking and have it as my dedicated pump up bar....

Rant over, if anyone has any ideas how to find the leak i would appreciate it... Either way i'll be off to the local kite shop to get it fixed and get ideas on bar modifications.....


Kamikuza - 23-8-2010 at 05:20 PM

Yeah I don't like below the bar trim either ... can't seem to get enough leverage to depower the kite when it's powered up. Not 100% sure I like the idea of those cleat things either ...!

What kind of kite is it? One-pump? You sure you pumped it up enough? I find it so hard to tell ... want a pressure gauge eh :D

Txshooter38 - 23-8-2010 at 05:20 PM

How about a swiming pool to dunk it in by section? Not sure I don't own one but it seems as if it may work.:dunno:

kiterformeerlyknownas - 23-8-2010 at 06:05 PM

pull the leading edge bladder, pump it up and look listen,apply soapy water for the leak.....check the nipples for leaks where they adhere to the bladder...........kite fix repair kit will fix the bladder, new nipple if thats the issue..........tie old kite line or string to the ends of the bladder and pull it thru while removing.....leave the line in the LE pocket to facilitate reinstalling it.......good luck and the Revs are sweet, dont sweat this minor setback........

tridude - 23-8-2010 at 06:16 PM

below the bar trimmer is ok...................reach up and pull the depower line (with your left hand) while pulling the trimmer with your right hand................this will help........ues the active stopper ball for your depower thru the bar.................I fly my 13 at 20mph without touching the trimmer................................

PHREERIDER - 24-8-2010 at 04:49 AM

here we go!

pump and fix. never ending happiness.

nothing like a closed cell foil to keep the flow going

ah choice!

AD72 - 24-8-2010 at 11:16 AM

So what tube kite is it?

tridude - 24-8-2010 at 02:50 PM

13m SS Rev 2.............................

BTF check your transfer tubes before you remove the LE bladder.......................................

borntofli - 24-8-2010 at 05:55 PM

I took it to my local kite shop.....They are also fixmykite.com.....

They are cheap and give locals priority.... we will have wind all weekend so I should get some good use out of it....

Bad start for my intro to pump up world, but all kites have their own set of problems....