Power Kite Forum


abstract808 - 23-8-2010 at 06:28 PM

so I was wondering about the depower kites again now that i think that i may have some money coming in. starting from the montana 3 to the montana 5 what improvements have been made i hear that 4 and 5 are almost the same thing with only very minor adjustments made but what about the 3 to the 4 was there any big changes just curious if i was to buy a used one.

indigo_wolf - 23-8-2010 at 07:38 PM

Between the Montana 3 and Montana 4
HQ has kept the Montana manuals for the III, IV, and V as well as the Product Catalogs for 2008, 2009, and 2010 online at www.powerkites.de They consolidated the manuals for their depower kites in the last 2 generations.

They have tweaked the flat span/profile all 3 years.


John Holgate - 23-8-2010 at 08:35 PM

I believe the M5 turns a fair bit quicker than the M4. Jolli has spent a lot of time with the Montana's - here's a link to his M5 12m review: Jolli's Montana M5 Review

kteguru - 23-8-2010 at 11:35 PM

In my opinion I'd go for the M4 or M5. The M3 had hindenburging issues that they tuned out in later models. Perhaps it was just the conditions I was flying it in but it had a tendancy to do it a lot. Just my 2 cents.

kteguru - 23-8-2010 at 11:49 PM

Error in my previous post. It was the M2 that had issues.

BeamerBob - 24-8-2010 at 07:38 AM

I was having a hard time remembering the differences till I read the other posts. I've had a III, IV, and V. The big difference in the IV and V was the faster turning. Our 9.5 V turns as fast as a 7m IV. It is a brilliant kite that I'd call genius. The only blemish is that while it is touted to have a very high end range, it is hard to turn down the power when the wind really blows. I set a previous personal best speed with our MV on Jekyll Island.

abstract808 - 24-8-2010 at 06:03 PM

thanks guys for the feed back the montana sounds like a great kite for high prefomance on a budget. im thinking of a montana 4 7 meter for my first REAL depower kite.

dgkid78 - 25-8-2010 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by abstract808
thanks guys for the feed back the montana sounds like a great kite for high prefomance on a budget. im thinking of a montana 4 7 meter for my first REAL depower kite.

how much do you weigh? and what are your wind condtions? I weigh 145lbs and found myself very bored and wanting more power in less than a year....but then again my Montana's are a little older and the M2 was a little PIA in gusty condtions. ......I have loved my M3 9.5m for past 3 years. my wind conditions are coastal clean winds. I say average 13mph-18mph and the 9.5 has served me well. I do need to update. but it was either that or a new TV. And the kite is perfectly fine right now so opted for the tv. :singing: