Power Kite Forum

beamer 1.8 good enough??

Redbullwings - 4-9-2005 at 05:22 PM

Hi im 15 but weigh only like 85 lbs and am like 4 foot 9in. I love kites my first power kiting experience was when i was like 8 weighed like 45 lbs and jumped off a hill with a parafoil 7.5 and thought i was flying!!!lol. Now i want to recreate that fond childhood memory and am wondering if a Beamer 1.8 would be good enough. I know every one says quad line is the way to go but what about a symphony 2.7 or 3.0 would do. Im not really interested much in buggying or anything like that just jumping or mabey scudding. Thanks!!

Redbullwings - 4-9-2005 at 05:34 PM

btw im not rly from monaco i live in western new york state by the great lakes. we get some good winds off the shores up to 20 mph on a good day thx! im open to ne suggestions on a kite to buy!

1.8 Too Small

william_rx7 - 14-9-2005 at 08:04 PM

1.8 is fun to fly, but if you want to fly, get at least the Beamer 3.6 or 5.0. We have similar winds in Ontario, I use my 3.6 in super high winds, and my 5 - 12 Meter kites for everything else...

Have fun, be sure to get out this winter on skis, a board or ice skates...:singing: