Power Kite Forum

arc kite boat launch and boat kiting

herc - 27-8-2010 at 09:46 AM

very cool boat launch video (using a PL guerilla (2?) )

La société VCV Technologie a développé un système de navigation "Kite boat". Ce concept est particulièrement bien pensé, performant mais aussi et surtout très simple d'utilisation. Après avoir effectué des tests sur un grand nombre d'ailes de kitesurf, Maurice Grenier, dirigeant de VCV, en a conclu que les seules ailes utilisables dans ce cadre sont les Twinskin Peter Lynn du fait de leur grande stabilité.

google translates:
The company VCV Technology developed a navigation system Kite boat. This concept is particularly well thought, but also powerful and very easy to use. After conducting tests on a large number of kites, Maurice Grenier, head of VCV, concluded that the only wings used in this framework are TWINSKIN Peter Lynn because of their high stability.

herc - 27-8-2010 at 11:06 AM

btw - what is the most stable / friendly arc ? i am planning some experiments related to parakiting. thus the kite should have MAX stability - so to speak the complementary arc to the scorpion ;-)
(and it should be huge. is the synergy 24 the only arc that was built having > 20 sqm ?)

BeamerBob - 27-8-2010 at 02:17 PM

I would say the venom would be the best stability arc if performance is considered. Not sure if the Synergy gave up any stability but would imagine there was an increase in performance from the venom.

Bladerunner - 27-8-2010 at 04:29 PM

I get how the rigging works I just don't exactly see how the kite was assisting propulsion ? Was the boat running under kite power when it was parked off to the side? Wouldn't it be hard to keep from running downwind?

AD72 - 27-8-2010 at 04:32 PM

The guy I got the Kitecat from has a 20M Guerilla. He would probably sell ya.