Power Kite Forum

Waist harness + body armor = ?

chudalicious - 29-8-2010 at 09:12 PM

Being a snowboarder who is just starting to push the limits and more importantly, just getting into this whole PK scene, I'm wondering if I am just asking for trouble by not wearing more than a helmet and knee pads and the occasional elbow/forearm guard so thinking about body armor. Plus, no one likes a bride in traction...

Question is, how do you secure the waist harness around a honkin' piece of body armor when it has the spine guard attached? Seems like a good idea for boarding but when you add the kite into the mix, I would think the spine plates make a good fit with the harness rather impossible.

Anyone use full upper body protection?
(sometimes i think it would just be easier to wear my full hockey gear instead!)

erratic winds - 29-8-2010 at 11:46 PM

I wear a seat harness and a full summer-weight motorcycle jacket.

WIllardTheGrey - 30-8-2010 at 01:16 AM

I had the same question about a year ago. Link. I finely just bit the bullet and bought a 661 pressure suit.

With the harness on. It's not uncomphy but the harness that I sized to my regular waist is a bit tight.

The back protecter. I love it. I had an OBE where I got lifted then droped onto my side rail with no ill effects.

Front. I haven't had the pleasure of testing out the chest protector yet but it makes a good punching target for drunk "friends".

With the helmet on and everything my wife says I look like an action figure.:smug:

If your a "Small" Jensonusa has the same one on clearance for only 65 bucks right now.

chudalicious - 30-8-2010 at 10:29 AM

Thanks Willard!

Just looked at it online and ordered a few - best fitting wins!

Good to know it fits with the spine protect so I'm hoping it does not screw up my perfect fitting harness too much. If so, out come the scissors :crazy:

indigo_wolf - 30-8-2010 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by chudalicious
If so, out come the scissors

Not sure how scaring the pets is going to help the matter ;) :smilegrin:

@WTG: No problem with the "rivets" on the spine protector gouging the harness? Are you using this in the buggy or the board or both?


WIllardTheGrey - 30-8-2010 at 12:17 PM

The rivets are smooth hard plastic, just checked my harness looks fine with no marks that correspond with a rivet.

I mainly just buggy but I have used this with the MTB without any trouble.

indigo_wolf - 30-8-2010 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by WIllardTheGrey
I mainly just buggy but I have used this with the MTB without any trouble.

Thanks for that... was curious how the double layer affected flexibility.

Good to know about the harness interior, too.


revpaul - 30-8-2010 at 02:26 PM

without seeing the WTG images(thnx WTG) i would have tried the same thing with wearing harness over protector.