Power Kite Forum

24 Synergy

rudeboysaude - 30-8-2010 at 08:17 AM

Finally flew my 24 Peter Lynn Synergy this weekend and thought I'd jot down some thoughts since you don't read much about the really big kites. Got to the beach early, I was the only one there. Wind was blowing around 10mph. Perfect time time to test. Rolled the beast out, launched, and I was off.

I chose a Spleene door to ride unaware of what to expect, and it was great. I was worried about turning speed, but it really didn't feel that slow to me. I was able to hop off the 24 at one point and onto my 19 Speed2 and I thought turning speed was similar, just alot more bar pressure on the Syn so it would be pretty easy to get tired if you had to work the kite, but you don't have to.

I'd dive that sucker and park it. I can see this kite being excellent for the Kite cat. get cruising, set the cruise control and haul ass. Jumping with it was tougher only because the timing was different. Winds were slowly picking up so I wasn't able to ride my 19 Charger in the same conditions to compare syn/speed/charger, but really, they're all different kites that pull my ass around in the water with a different feel and style. The 24 is a nice kite though and I'm looking forward to flying it more. I wonder what a 24 Charger would fly like? Here's a couple crappy pics I got with my phone. Good times.

PHREERIDER - 30-8-2010 at 09:27 AM

wow thats a huge 1.

any current in that spot?

nice pics, 10mph without alot of kite action...thats power!

AD72 - 30-8-2010 at 02:40 PM

How is the 19 Charger and Silver Arrow with the kitecat? I almost pulled the trigger on a SA on Ebay yesterday. Can you take a big kite to a higher widspeed with kitecat compared to a board? I hope to soon find out myself.

Kamikuza - 30-8-2010 at 03:54 PM

I'm keeping a mad keen eye out for a 24m Synergy but they're just not turning up eh :(

rudeboysaude - 30-8-2010 at 06:44 PM

No current, it's all lakes here in Mn.

My speeds are all in regular fabric, but I don't like riding the cat with bridled foils. Entering and exiting the craft is so much better with an arc. The stability is such a huge bonus. With a big kite I can hold power better with a board. The cat moves fast and almost getting pulled out at speeds is scary.

I like big kites. The 24 is a sweet addition to my big kite quiver!

BeamerBob - 30-8-2010 at 07:06 PM

Ok, now I have this song in my head. Starts like this................ I like big KITES andIcannotlie. Where is some good Barry Manilow to break the curse.

EDIT: fixed it. Here's one if you have the song in your head too. 867-5309

On topic, I'd love to get to fly a 24 in the right winds someday. Even on a board. I'm sure its lean back and enjoy the ride. Big guys dream.

Kamikuza - 30-8-2010 at 10:43 PM

So who's got one for me?

herc - 3-9-2010 at 02:47 PM

whats the weight of the 24 syn ? kite only with spars ?
more pictures please :-) must be a fascinating big kite! like the statement about park-n-ride. this 24 syn probably gets a lightweight guy on a door going in 7 knots ? real 6 knots (measured with windmaster2) on the ground were enough to keep my scorpions autozenithing. but too small -- no power. but that hughe 24 syn must be pooowwwwerfull !