silvereaglekiter - 31-8-2010 at 06:22 PM
Any one down for a Kite bash in OBX this Friday
Only a little windy down hear:wee:
P.S. I am Only Kidding ----Maybe:wink2:-----
shehatesmyhobbies - 31-8-2010 at 06:58 PM
It would be great to get a little wind from somewhere. Definitely in a bummer mood with no winds to speak of. I already have my fingers crossed for
some good winds Thursday up here!
See you at WW!
action jackson - 31-8-2010 at 07:33 PM
I will be here in Waves, Nc for the duration of the storm. I don't plan on kiting in anything above 35. I have weeks worth of supplies and
unlimited supply of kites and boards if I need to get off the Island afterward. I will be in Hatteras tomarrow afternoon. Look for the
WELDNGOD - 1-9-2010 at 06:28 PM
I am battening down the hatches, I live on the peninsula in hampton roads. So we're flood prone already... It is kind of unerving to be right in the
path ,but they say it will turn north and only graze us. WTF! What if it keeps going NW instead? Isabel F'd this town up.I don't wanna ride out a
cat3 and the aftermath.. OMG .. Good thing I got lots of ammo and beer
No kites will be used unless it does miss us, then I'm on it if there is any beach left..