Power Kite Forum

de-power Kite for landboarding speculation

kingsofa - 31-8-2010 at 07:50 PM

so I bought a mbs comp 90 landboard for a steal of a price locally and have been looking for some kind of kite to use once I get the hang of the board on my smaller foil kite. Anyways I have been looking at this forum and it seems that for landboarders the standard is de-power. I'm a pretty light dude 62kg and have been looking at the peter lynn arcs as well as some cheaper "de-power" foils like the slingshot ranger and evo II. The wind in my areas is constant from the beach and is anywhere between 5ish and 20+mph. Anyways if people would either give input or offer to sell me something (kite + bar + lines would be preferable) that would be great. My budget is not enormous so *used* is definitely key.

Bergren (yes very unique name =P)

acampbell - 1-9-2010 at 06:16 AM

Look at the 10m Apex here...

A perfect start and right in the middle of your stated wind range. I know his stuff to be in good condition. Good seller.

gemini6kl - 1-9-2010 at 06:19 AM

Its better to buy a foil for your first depower, i think an arc will require a little more experience kiter as far as set up of the kite ,, launching and also wind. Hq apex 2 is a decent kite along with the ozones access, pansh offers a cheap decent depower kite also called the blaze 2, a good size to start for your wind and weight is a 5m to 7m for hard beach sand.

gemini6kl - 1-9-2010 at 06:22 AM

i wonder why other kiters here seem to reccommend the biggest kite sizes to new kiters here, :puzzled: please guys try to be a little more responsible geezes the guy said he is kinda new to the sport. i think 10 m is way to big for his experience and weight!!!!!

acampbell - 1-9-2010 at 06:32 AM

Not to disagree but in any case it's about wind range and good judgment. the Apex is easy and gentle.

I think arcs get a bad rap for being hard to launch simply because they are different. If set up exactly as described in the manual and numerous videos it is pretty straightforward. Take about 4 steps back and watch it float to zenith. That said, the Charger benefits from prior experience as it is a lot more active out of the bag than previous arcs.

Bladerunner - 1-9-2010 at 07:23 AM

A 10m Apex has similar power to a 5m FB with greater range and greater safety. With winds from 5 - 20 mph and previous trainer experience this is a PERFECT sized kite ? Not too aggressive . If anything I think folks on here are pretty up on seeing people get started on a trainer.

If this fellow shouldn't be looking at a 10m Depower then exactly what do you think he should be looking for? 10m is NOT the biggest depower kite. It is a good mid sized kite well suited for the winds described.

I agree about Arcs bad rep, for learning. Yes the launch landing is a little different but not exactly something you have to grow in to. I have had a beginer up and riding ATB with my 15m Syn with only about 4hrs lesson. Anyone can learn to ground handle their arc. My 15m Syn is actually a good beginer depower kite !

Maven454 - 1-9-2010 at 07:45 AM

I think the arcs are great to fly (to complete this thread hijack), I just think that they're a pain to launch and land. Even after having watched the video until I was sick of it. Give me a open cell any day. The Apex II is a decent kite to learn on, though at 136 lbs, I might be tempted to recommend the 7.5 instead of the 10m, but the 10m Apex II was my first depower.

BeamerBob - 1-9-2010 at 08:36 AM

Originally posted by gemini6kl
i wonder why other kiters here seem to reccommend the biggest kite sizes to new kiters here, :puzzled: please guys try to be a little more responsible geezes the guy said he is kinda new to the sport. i think 10 m is way to big for his experience and weight!!!!!

I'll add in that my older son routinely flies his 9.5m Montana (that just sold) into the mid teens. He weighs only about 105 now. He's been flying that size kite static and on his landboard since he was 12 (he's 15 now) and more recently in the buggy. A 9-10m depower kite with rider and winds as described is a good recommendation in my experience.

kingsofa - 1-9-2010 at 06:29 PM

Thanks for all the input, the apex 10m/7.5m (can't decide yet) seem like good choices. I'll still be looking around for a deal on the forum hopefully something used comes up since I heard the apex II is going to be phased out. =)

Kamikuza - 1-9-2010 at 06:30 PM

My Vortex 10m is still available too :D

kingsofa - 1-9-2010 at 06:45 PM

but shipping is so expensive from Japan :sniff:, although it is an option to keep open

flash - 2-9-2010 at 06:11 PM

Originally posted by kingsofa
Thanks for all the input, the apex 10m/7.5m (can't decide yet) seem like good choices. I'll still be looking around for a deal on the forum hopefully something used comes up since I heard the apex II is going to be phased out. =)

Let me know if you can't find the Apex or a Montana. Might be able to find one.

and ps. from my personal use, I prefer my Montana V 9.5 when landboarding more then I do my Apex, simply for throwing tricks etc... it has good pop and a soft let down. Not to put the Apex down... I actually prefer the Apex for an engine to just go and to do tricks that I feel comfortable with.

and uhm... pss. Regarding your board, make sure that it came with Matrix trucks, not the standard egg single point trucks (listed as the all-terrain trucks), this will make a huge difference when boarding and it is worth the money to upgrade. Your stability will improve from the stiffness and you will spend less time ending up on your unbalanced ass and actually be able to focus on the kite and board together.

Kamikuza - 2-9-2010 at 06:15 PM

About the same as the US (a little cheaper actually) but the exchange rate makes it expensive :(
Vortex is probably gone ... there's still the Scorpion 13 though :D

kingsofa - 2-9-2010 at 06:28 PM

thanks for the hint on the trucks, unfortunately they are the all-terrain ones but I will try to learn on them and possibly upgrade later. I'm trying to buy a 13m scorpion from the US and will see how it goes =). I'm pretty confident on my flight/set up abilities as I have done some research on the kite. =)

gemini6kl - 3-9-2010 at 05:10 PM

yeah bye the way my little 5 year old son rides a 18 m venom whts the point with your post, Ive been ridding kites for over 7 years my first depower was a 6m foil , ive had as small as 1.2 m and as big as 18m,, and u know what i rode that 6m on hard packed sand and concrete 90 percent of the time. I never felt i needed a bigger kite . I dont usually do tricks and didnt wanna feel overpowered but between 7 and 15 mph it performed like a dream . Recently i bought a 10m depower for snowkiting . and it rearly ever comes out for landboarding. the point was the guy was saying he was new to the sport and wanted some reccomendations so recommeding such a big depower makes no sense to me . why not let him start on a smaller one where he can fly most days rather than with a 10 m which he will have very few days to fly due to its limited windrange is concerned. or may be u can just go ahead recommend a 14m .

Bladerunner - 3-9-2010 at 05:23 PM

So you don't like to ride powered up and don't do tricks. Ride on hard surfaces etc.

If a 10m kite is too big for 5 - 20mph then you better get busy and tell all the kite manufacturers ! That is the reocommended wind range on most of their calculators and a 10m kite ? MOST people I ride with see the 10m as a good allround size . You are the FIRST person I have ever heard call a 6m an allrounder ?

Your silly " just go ahead a recommend a 14m " line was shot down in the 1st reply. GET OVER IT and go fly a 6m!

P.S. What make is this SUPER 6m kite ?

gemini6kl - 3-9-2010 at 05:44 PM

a reply is not even necesssary here, , i think i made my points well, with a 6 or 7m depower i am sure there will allow alot more riding days and less frustration. i know when we are experienced we tend to forget when we first started and where we came from, but thats ok, nature has a way of reminding us. I teach people to kite and i would never recommend a 10 m depower foil as a first kite to anyone and i think most responsible people will agree with me.

shaggs2riches - 3-9-2010 at 06:24 PM

I think that the miss-read understanding here is that he is not looking for a first kite, but rather a first depower. If he is already flying the pants off of a solid 3 meter trainer kite in a complete windrange up to 20mph then there is really no reason why he can't get use out of a 10 meter. I can see what you mean when relating to landboarding as at first the power and movement can be a bit overwhelming; but, soon enough he'll be wishing he had a bigger kite for a smoother nicely powered ride. If he starts in the lower end of the wind range there will be nothing to fear. Advice and opinions from all sides of the fence are a good thing, no need to get offensive I'm starting to wonder if you know our old friend snobdr.

MY recommendation would be to seek out someone close enough to you who has a decent enough quiver to try out and see what works best for you!! If a 10 meter feels like to much of a jump for you then try out a 6-8 meter to find your comfort zone. Sooner or later the bigger kite will call you.

The guys here are well experienced and would NEVER try to put you in a situation over your limitations. Many here who have posted have taught lots of others to fly in the same situation you are in so don't be worried.

MY $0.02

Midgaar - 3-9-2010 at 09:44 PM

I've read countless threads here, being new to the sport myself. Out of all the "What kite for my first" and "What kite to do this or that" threads I can't count the number of times both Angus and Bladerunner has stressed safety. Safety, safety, SAFETY!!! "Start small, get a trainer, baby steps." If they recommend a 9-10m kite I would feel completely comfortable buying and flying a 9-10m kite! Nuff said.

acampbell - 4-9-2010 at 04:25 AM

Originally posted by shaggs2riches
I think that the miss-read understanding here is that he is not looking for a first kite, but rather a first depower.

Thanks for re-establishing context here...

gemini6kl - 4-9-2010 at 07:10 AM

I wonder if they recommended u jump of a cliff u would right considering it was approved by the safety gods. Lol seriously u guys are hilarious here is see most here are just kids, but anyways dude who originally asked the question dont get a 10 m foil i gurantee u will have very few riding days with its windrange never mind the fact that its a big kite and kinda slow compared to a 6m or 7m which u can throw around to generate power. Arc however are a different story a good size to start is a 12m or 13 m as they dont generate the same power as a foil, but bear in mind it requires some technique to launch and a little more wind to perform compared to a foil. well i promise i will not reply to any more post about this guys first depower kite. :bigok:

Bladerunner - 4-9-2010 at 08:22 AM

Originally posted by gemini6kl
well i promise i will not reply to any more post about this guys first depower kite. :bigok:

Pity . I was interested in what make this 6m " allrounder " is ?

Pretty amazing kite !

kingsofa - 4-9-2010 at 10:23 AM

Thanks for the discussion, I have a 13m scorpion coming in the mail and the set-up/launching seems straight forward enough. If I need help I know where to ask!! :lol:

carltb - 4-9-2010 at 11:27 AM

hi kingsofa, id like to congratulate you on your kite choice and size and if you need any additional help dont hesitate to ask. id also advice you to go on youtube and search my vids for the arc set up. and with the case of the scorp i would also add that on launch it also benefits from abit of back line tension to stop it bowtieing.

carltb - 4-9-2010 at 11:29 AM

also the comp 90 comes standard with vector truck which are a cross between matrix and skate. they have the stability of matrix but arent as heavy

flash - 5-9-2010 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by carltb
also the comp 90 comes standard with vector truck which are a cross between matrix and skate. they have the stability of matrix but arent as heavy

ah :) that eases my concern, i hate to see someone have a bad experience cause of equipment that is going to dump them before they get their feet under 'em.

Thanks Carl I love ya!

oh and to the OP, if carl says it's true, its as good as gold.