Power Kite Forum

An unusual problem

Kamikuza - 9-9-2010 at 03:31 AM

All hail Ricardo! Hooked me up with a Flydoor XL which is fuggin' awesomesauce! I so-ooo appreciate the rockin' deal and the hard work beating the shipping companies into submission to make it so much more worthwhile than buying here!

On to my day ...

There was some wind forecast for this afternoon so I loaded the car before work and made a bee-line for the lake at the stroke of 4 ... got there about 4:30 and setup as fast as I could ... felt like about 15 knots - hit the lake!

Oh sweet gravy!

The Flydoor is like erm a big smooth soft thing! Edges sweet and goes upwind like a rocket!

Direct on-shore wind ... first run out from the beach, I was past the 150m marker when I turned ...! Back to the left then back to the right and by now I can hardly see the people at the bar end of kite lines :o

Usually, I just work as hard as I can to get upwind as far as I can, cos eventually, if I don't keep pushing myself, I end up on the beach again without even trying.

So the Flydoor presents me with an interesting and unusual problem - I'm so far upwind and still heading out that I've got to figure out how to go downwind while riding a board ...! I'm all alone way out and have the lake all to myself!

Basically played silly buggers carving turns all over the place trying to lose ground ... trying to lose ground! Never thought I'd hear myself say that :lol:

The wind falls off as the sun goes down so I get to play with the low end of kite & board combo ... I reckon I've gained 4 knots on the bottom! I'm working the kite but I'm still making ground upwind :wee:

Great session on a great board - going to have a lot of fun with that! Thanks again Ricardo, I am one happy camper! :D

lives2fly - 9-9-2010 at 03:59 AM

Sounds great dude!

not a board i'm familiar with.

Just flatten your board out, weight your front foot a little more and you will head downwind.

don't try and ride like that for long just keep doing it to stay cross wind in the direction you want to go.

Same board position you use in light winds until you pick up some speed from the waterstart.

dylanj423 - 9-9-2010 at 06:47 AM

jumping always helps with losing ground :)

ripsessionkites - 9-9-2010 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by dylanj423
jumping always helps with losing ground :)

i like that one

when we ride, its mostly 70 / 30 ... the harder you press down on the rear leg its going to climb upwind.

like Live2Fly say ... flatten out your stance. and depower your kite a little.

what stance setting are you on now?


arkay - 9-9-2010 at 02:18 PM

On the mako I typically put 80% on the front foot and it's an upwind beast. I'd love to hop on a door or glide some day. But alas, the season is almost over, and before it really ever started.

Kamikuza - 9-9-2010 at 05:05 PM

I'll be in the water till my flab no longer insulates and I freeze ... probably sometime in November here! :piggy:

I don't jump but I can fall over really well ... the only problem is I have to body drag back upwind for the board :D

Not as bad as it sounds really ... was just so surprised at how far and how easily and how quickly I went upwind - looked back at the shore and was like - dang how do I go downwind again? :lol: lots of fun trying to get back to the beach though!

On the normal width but I'm going to try wide and see how I like it ...

tridude - 9-9-2010 at 05:16 PM

stand up straight and follow the kite.......................doors are awesome

what kite were you using?

Kamikuza - 9-9-2010 at 05:18 PM

The 'bow ...

Discovered I just need to be more aggressive with kite and board, and keep speed up when trying to do stuff like carve a turn ...