Power Kite Forum

Newbie with Flexifoil Rage 4.7m

curium - 14-9-2010 at 12:30 AM

Hi, my girlfriend got me a couple of hours at a kite centre on the coast playing with a 2m powerkite.

it was real fun and i ordered a flexifoil rage 4.7m as i will mainly be flying inland with not as much wind as on the coast.

Any tips for me when i get my new kites. What sort of things should i look out for?


jeanjockey - 14-9-2010 at 06:05 AM

Great Kite, very easy to fly. Don't let its small size fool you it can give quite a pull. I added a D loop to mine to give my arms a rest when using a harness. I recently bought a AAA adjuster but have not had a chance to experiment with it. Happy flying.

Bladerunner - 14-9-2010 at 06:53 AM

Small kites increase in power per sq. meter more than large kites. A 4.7 is a pretty big step up from 2m . Add GUSTY inland wind and you are pushing things.

Take it VERY easy at 1st. Keep it to low winds and you will be O.K. but you have a LOT of kite for beginers there !


lives2fly - 14-9-2010 at 08:55 AM

I fly a 4.7 rage on a 60cm Bar.

Keep in mind what Bladerunner said but the rage is a very stable kite and less grunty than its previous incarnation - the Bullet.

its good for boarding up to 25mph so static i would be very wary around 20mph - you should consider this your upper limit as a beginner anyway.

You should have the fundamentals and a good safety level from your lesson so my only advice would be to get out in some 10 - 15mph for you first couple of sessions. preferably closer to 10! that will allow you to get used to the kite with little chance of it spanking you.

Don't expect to do much serious jumping with this kite - it has very little lift really. which sorta makes it good to learn on. Would recommend a PL twister as your first jump kite. Really good for the price and not as aggressive as a Blade.

arkay - 14-9-2010 at 09:13 AM


Don't expect to do much serious jumping with this kite - it has very little lift really. which sorta makes it good to learn on. Would recommend a PL twister as your first jump kite. Really good for the price and not as aggressive as a Blade.

This is a great mid-aspect intermediate. As stated above, don't expect race performance or jumping. That's not what it was meant for. I'm sure you'll start to find the 4.7 a handfull above 15 :) Wear a helmet and pads.

The twister is a great kite to jump with at a great price, I think the 5.6 is the starting size to jump with due to the lack of float on the 4.1. Is there still a pass the twister going around?

WELDNGOD - 14-9-2010 at 03:10 PM

@ JJ Use your AAA for when the wind is on the high side, it will soften the gusts and give you better upwind ability. I love my 4.7 w AAA. It is very user friendly.

@ curium , Geat kite for buggyin and boardin'
And I have been able to get some jumps in, but you gotta intentionally do some "not good " thing to make it happen. But you are not ready for that yet. Get comfy w/ it in alot of different kinds of wind, then you might be ready.
Enjoy, and welcome to the PKF

WELDNGOD - 15-9-2010 at 02:29 PM

curium, I thought of something else today. When the wind is gusty and real "snatchy", open the "dirt outs" and pull out the little white tube of ripstop and fly it like that. It will help absorb the gust by letting some of the excess pressure squirt out the openings. Otherwise the kite will puff up hard and become a really efficient wing that wants to "go", NOW! Taking you w/ it....:ninja:

edit: ya might want to get a flexifoil AAA kit for it. They are like 30 bucks and give you a more versatile kite.

John Holgate - 15-9-2010 at 02:34 PM


When the wind is gusty and real "snatchy", open the "dirt outs" and pull out the little white tube of ripstop and fly it like that. It will help absorb the gust by letting some of the excess pressure squirt out the openings.

Now there's a good idea I would never have thought of!!