Power Kite Forum

Flabby Starfish and the Chicken-flavoured Gravy - the movie

Kamikuza - 18-9-2010 at 06:15 PM

Rescued the .wmlp file from the stuffed hard-drive which was good cos I spent a few minutes editing all the rubbish the wife filmed ... which is good, cos I couldn't face going through it all for a third time!

Enjoy! Or not, as the case may be - you should know the crappy videos I make by now :D

indigo_wolf - 18-9-2010 at 07:11 PM

Interesting film speed @ 00:45.

Love the subtitles.

You have some serious obstacles/water hazards in your spot.

'Fess up.... somewhere there is a poor little zebra looking for a warm wool blanket so you could wear those shorts. :sniff: :sniff:


arkay - 18-9-2010 at 07:35 PM

Looks like you were having tons of fun... damn that a huge board :D Looks like you're ready for air transitions and back rolls :bigok:

mgatc - 18-9-2010 at 07:55 PM

Great job Kami!

Looks like the Xbow is working well for you

flyjump - 18-9-2010 at 08:15 PM

Kami I wish I lived near you and you were my friend

Kamikuza - 18-9-2010 at 09:33 PM

Velocity Envelope in Vegas ... also did the slo-mo of my awethome first jump caught on film :D Doesn't sync the audio though :(
There was actually a whole tree on the beach that day too ... not forgetting the mountains of trash people dump and the coals from bloody fires that messed up the light gray panels on my kite :(
Yeah the 'bow is pretty good ... hoping the Speed 2 will have a better low end though!
The Square One is big and actually longer than the Flydoor, but the Flydoor just looks HUGE!
Flyjump - ROFL!

Kamikuza - 19-9-2010 at 06:23 AM

Originally posted by arkay
Looks like you were having tons of fun... damn that a huge board :D Looks like you're ready for air transitions and back rolls :bigok:

Ya rotten bugger ... you're responsible for about 6 really good slams today :lol: first 2 attempts at aerial transitions were actually ok - the rest were total fails :D

I got a video of the first 2 hours too with the GoPro - expect more soon ... soonish ... sometime next week maybe ...

Maven454 - 19-9-2010 at 06:32 AM

:bigok: Always enjoy your vids. The subtitles are what really make 'em fun. You generally choose decent music too, unlike some people.

Kamikuza - 19-9-2010 at 06:44 AM

... what you really mean is, my poor taste in music equates to your own :lol: and I hope you appreciate the effort I went to, to make the "big jump" coincide with the lyrics "It's crap!" :lol:

Maven454 - 19-9-2010 at 06:47 AM

Hey, I have totally awesome taste in music :duh: It's not my fault that some other people happen to like subjecting their eardrums to truly awful $#^& :dunno:

Kamikuza - 21-9-2010 at 06:26 AM

We'll see ;)

PHREERIDER - 21-9-2010 at 09:40 AM

nice one KK,

thanks for the effort, i know farting around with the camera can be a real drag on a session., not to mention the editing time that follows.

KEEP IT UP ! pheed the masses! love it when they love it and love it when they hate it.

let no critic starve.

Kamikuza - 21-9-2010 at 10:57 PM

It's much easier when the wife films ... until it comes to editing :o hoping that doing all the Deshaking on the one film (rather than the individual clips) will cut down the time I spend sitting in front of the PC staring at the progress bar :D

ripsessionkites - 22-9-2010 at 12:56 AM

i really enjoyed that one ... nice video.

its time to get to japan like I said I would next season.