Power Kite Forum

Flight Problems

NJLandboarder - 20-9-2010 at 03:36 PM

Today i went to the fields by my local highschool to fly my Pansh Ace 5m. The wind was for-casted at 13mph NNW. I got to the field set my lines up then attached them to the kite. I attaches the brake lines to the last knot(added by previous owner) and attached the power lines to the first knot. After that i waited a minute then i got the kite up. i flew it a little then it wouldnt stay up. Then i tried again got the kite up for a while then i got a jump in about four feet.I flew a little more and then it lost wind.

It seems like the wind is changing directions alot am i flying in a bad place?

Also my kites foils arent always filling up when its in the air and the ends like to curl is my kite the reason i am having problems?

WELDNGOD - 20-9-2010 at 03:40 PM

aces don't like lumpy wind , your inland spot probably has lots of turbulence in/ and around it. Try it at WW in a few wks. ,then you will know if it is the kite or the kiter.

NJLandboarder - 20-9-2010 at 03:41 PM

lumpy wind? and is there any way i can fix this??

WELDNGOD - 20-9-2010 at 04:17 PM

clean wind= straight line wind w/ no obstructions for a great distance. It is that steady kind of wind like you get at the beach when it blows onshore.

"lumpy" wind or "dirty" wind is wind that has passed over trees and around buildings and structures.It is all gusty and jerky,and keeps changin direction and speed constantly. If your fly spot is a field surrounded by trees, you probably got lumpy wind . Try it again when it is blowing a different direction. At my spot west wind sucks, and it makes you have to fly over the bay instead of over the beach. So if you have a luff, your kite goes swimmin'

You are gonna get an education at WW dude. You will go home a much better informed kiter.
Hopefully w/ some skilz:wee:

tridude - 20-9-2010 at 04:26 PM

NNW winds are usually crappy winds.........................shifting/gusty etc....................check your line lengths and make sure they are all the same length then and only then begin trimming the kite in.......................I found the Ace is a brake bias kite requiring/liking brake input....................there used to be a Pansh forum with alot of trim info BUT if your lines are off anything else prior is futile........................

I believe the last 3 cells on the Ace are closed and use port vents to fill the cells. Any pressure spike will cause the tips to curl. For a cleaner wind signature find an open area with no obstructions for at least 400 yds, fly at the beach, or buy an ARC.....................................

Maven454 - 20-9-2010 at 04:40 PM

My Ace hated brake input of any kind. Really easy to stall out.

bigkid - 20-9-2010 at 04:42 PM

Originally posted by tridude..................there used to be a Pansh forum with alot of trim info BUT if your lines are off anything else prior is futile........................

It was called the UNofficial, now its the OFFICIAL,

Not that I go there but they can help with the world famous pANSH kites :megan:

NJLandboarder - 20-9-2010 at 04:42 PM

hmm im going to have to spot hunting this week

Bladerunner - 20-9-2010 at 04:53 PM

Sounds like bad wind.
Picture the wind as water in a river. The wind will be messed up for about 7 times the height of the obstruction down wind. That's a LOT !

You talk about the knots you used but don't describe how your brake lines were working ? When you are flying with handles relaxed your brake lines should show just a little slack. They should be tight enough to back the kite down when brakes are full on. If you can't satisfy both your handles are too short.

Tip tuck, Overfly and Collapse are all traits of the Ace. You were warned. Good news is this kite will force you to work on kite skills to avoid those traits?

NJLandboarder - 20-9-2010 at 04:57 PM

i have an acount on the pansh forum i went on there... not much help but i found out i should try making power rings how shold i do so is there pages on here for that??

tridude - 20-9-2010 at 05:13 PM

back to square one.................check your line lengths......................................

heres how to fly an Ace with brakes....................


NJLandboarder - 20-9-2010 at 05:32 PM

well the guy who sold me the kite said they were all the same i dont see any big differences in length how should i make power rings?

Kamikuza - 20-9-2010 at 10:20 PM

Originally posted by NJLandboarder
well the guy who sold me the kite said they were all the same i dont see any big differences in length how should i make power rings?

Check 'em properly :yes:

Power rings ... http://www.stratus-design.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/firebee/index...

DAKITEZ - 20-9-2010 at 10:22 PM

Sounds like your winds were dirty. The ace does not like dirty winds. The tips will fold and or over shoot the window all day long in gusty conditions. Could also be you brake lines were to tight. Or it could be a combo of the lines and wind.

nocando - 21-9-2010 at 03:46 AM

try brake lines on first knot

NJLandboarder - 21-9-2010 at 02:46 PM

why do you bother posting?

Bladerunner - 21-9-2010 at 05:00 PM

It seems to me that you are always looking for things to compinsate for lack of good understanding + practice with brake skills.

It is great that you are looking into these options and power rings are cheap enough to give it a try. I just think that you need more fly time + possibly a better location. Wildwood will be the key!


WELDNGOD - 21-9-2010 at 05:21 PM

NJL, get up w/ me at WW. I got a bag full of kites to fly. I will spend some time w/ ya when I'm not cruisin the beach on my newest creation (kitebike) and let ya fly some other kites. WW will be like "kite college" for ya. Have some patience grasshopper,October is almost here!
And BR is right , you are way new. You need lots more hrs. of flying before you are gonna really get it. And every type of kite has is own unique quirks about it. And it takes time to become one w/ the kite. So, just fly as much as you can and don't be scared to ask questions, cause the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.

later dude, WG

gemini6kl - 21-9-2010 at 07:26 PM

hey there i don't think there is anything wrong with your kite , all kites fly differently and high aspect ratio jumping kites are very twitchy, low aspect like a beamer are much more stable ,, the ace is one of those higher aspect ratio kites and u need to try a different location to really check out the kite, try going to the beach or a field with no trees around, i think u pretty much should know clean wind versus lumpy wind by now i hope, well dont go putting rings on your kite believe me its the wind u fly thats your problem make sure your brake lines are not too loose or two tight like a previous poster said . i gurantee u will have a different experience in clean winds.