lsadler999 - 23-9-2010 at 11:59 AM
hi there. ive got an ozone flow 3m that ive been using for a few months now and am very happy and confidant with, just got my self a scrub tourus
board that ive not usued yet, with the kite im using should i be able to get the board off the ground or is the flow only realy good enough for
keeping 4 wheels on the ground. i should also add im using handles at the moment so would a bar be a better idiea. thanks all
Maven454 - 23-9-2010 at 12:15 PM
You're only likely to be able to get off the ground with a 3m Flow (due to the size, not the kite) in very high winds (20mph+?). Which is a) a bad
idea if you're learning and b) not a great idea anyway as a 3m doesn't have any float (which is what keeps you from hitting the ground hard).
BigMikesKites - 23-9-2010 at 02:20 PM
You need a larger kite (Twister 5.6 and up), but most of the 'landboarders' prefer DePower kites. They are larger and offer a bit more power
Bladerunner - 23-9-2010 at 06:14 PM
As you have found a 3m has lots of power but when it comes to powering a board it will need a good wind depending on your surface.
If you are in lower wind staying upwind will be a struggle. If you are learning in lower wind accept the fact you will run downwind and just enjoy the
ride while doing all you can to control the kite and work out how to turn. The flow isn't desinged as a jumping kite and 3m is small for jumping
anyway. You will be PLENTY entertained working out turns, toeside etc. without having to get to jumping too soon!
If you want to ride ATB , I agree that you may want to look at depower kites for your next step up?
Get a harness and get used to hooking in! That is your next , best step! It will increase your fly / learning time greatly !
lsadler999 - 24-9-2010 at 12:15 PM
so there is not much i can do with my 3m and the board? realy want to get my self a depower kite but guess im looking at having to spend a good £500
on one??? would there be much point geting a bar for my flow?
and when every 1 lists there kites on here do you still have all of them or do you sell it when you go for a bigger kite?
flyjump - 24-9-2010 at 12:22 PM
I think when they are listed they still have them. Most of us keep a few smaller kites around just in case we have very high winds. I wouldn't
suggest using a bar for your 3m flow, instead i'd look into buying a bigger kite if you'd like to jump. Your 3m flow will get you moving on your
board though
lsadler999 - 24-9-2010 at 12:27 PM
i have read up on the differance between depower kite and a fixed bridle but why would somone want a larg fixed over a depower kite?
flyjump - 24-9-2010 at 12:31 PM
It's personal preference. Using a de-power kite is a lot easier to start on
Houston AirHead - 24-9-2010 at 12:48 PM
buggiers like the handles because you can make fine turning adjustments with the brakes.
you can for sure learn allot on your handles, but you arms will get tired after a while. When i started landboarding with my ace when i first
started, after about 3 months i could do chin ups all day long with out breaking a sweat.
Bladerunner - 24-9-2010 at 04:02 PM
I wouldn't say there isn't much you can do with a 3m and ATB ? There is a LOT you can do. Learn all the transitions , turns and toeside tricks. LEARN
in general !
Most of us are listing the kites we own now. In general you want a low, average and high wind kite. It is a sad fact that no single kite will do it
all. Your 3m Flow is a good choice as a high wind kite so you have made the right 1st steps. It is a proper engine and will do the job well when the
winds are strong enough.
It is generally easier to pick up ATB well powered on a larger kite but learning to get the most possible power out of your 3m will make you a better
over all flyer.
Just recently I have seen 2 Peter Lynn Synergys sell for $450 U.S. each. GREAT kites at a fantastic price. You should be able to find similar so start
saving !!!!